Mark E Felger

Mark E Felger

December 11, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Chancery Applies 'Statutory Override' to Uphold Privilege for Emails Hosted on Adversary's Server

A recent Delaware Court of Chancery letter opinion presents an interesting twist concerning the applicability of the attorney-client privilege to emails between a party and his attorneys where the emails were stored on a server controlled by the adverse party.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read

November 06, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

In Pari Delicto: Neither Fish Nor Fowl

In a somewhat unusual case, Vice Chancellor Morgan T. Zurn addressed the question whether in pari delicto is an equitable or a legal defense.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

5 minute read

October 09, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

After Reargument, Chancery Affirms There Is No Bar to an Advance Waiver of Appraisal Rights

The case involved the sale by merger of Authentix Acquisition Co. to a third party. The petitioners had been the sole owners of the company's predecessor.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

6 minute read

September 04, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Court: Liability Limitation Is Ambiguous Where Its Application Would Lead to Absurd Result

Judge Calvin Scott denied a motion for judgment on the pleadings on the grounds that the defendant's proffered interpretation of a liability limitation provision in a master service agreement was unreasonable.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

5 minute read

August 07, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Liquidating Trustee Succeeds to Privileges of Former Audit Committee

In In re Old BPSUSH, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Kevin J. Carey resolved a dispute over control of attorney-client and work product privileges applicable to information generated in an investigation conducted on behalf of the corporate debtor’s former audit committee.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read

July 03, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Chancery Enforces Contractual Protections for Privileged Pre-Merger Communications

In Shareholder Representative Services v. RSI Holdco, Vice Chancellor Kathleen McCormick addressed the question of when a buyer may use the acquired company's privileged, pre-merger attorney-client communications in post-closing litigation against the seller?

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read

June 05, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Payment of Discretionary Bonus Not a Per Se Fraudulent Conveyance

In Jalbert v. Flanagan (In re F-Squared Investment Management), the trustee of a liquidating trust sought to avoid bonus payments by the debtors as fraudulent conveyances.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read

May 08, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Superior Court Holds Chancery Jurisdiction Does Not Extend to All Contracts Involving LLCs

Until recently, there were no cases definitively addressing the scope of Section 18-111's fifth jurisdictional category.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

7 minute read

April 03, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Serving Process on a Dissolved LLC

In a recent letter opinion, Tratado de Libre Commercio v. Splitcast Technology, C.A. No. 2019-0014-JRS (Del. Ch. March 6), Vice Chancellor Joseph Slights addressed the issue of how to perfect service upon a dissolved limited liability company (LLC).

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

6 minute read

March 13, 2019 | Delaware Business Court Insider

Chancery Applies Flexible Approach to 'Line of Business' Test in Corporate Opportunities

Central to this post-trial opinion is his discussion regarding the contours of the “line of business” test and the need to apply the concept flexibly and sensibly when determining whether a corporation has an interest in a line of business.

By Barry M. Klayman and Mark E. Felger

8 minute read