March 02, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Licensee transferability rights are unique under the lawMost contract rights are transferable, absent an express anti-transfer prohibition in the agreement (or if the transfer would materially burden the other party). Additionally, in a statutory merger, the contract rights of the parties generally are deemed automatically vested in the surviving entity without the need for an assignment.
By Mark Malven
6 minute read
February 17, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Defining licensor and licensee rights to pursue infringersBoth standing and control are critical when bringing suit
By Mark Malven
9 minute read
February 03, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Understanding the intersection of bankruptcy law and technology licensingHow to avoid bankruptcy surprises
By Mark Malven
10 minute read
January 20, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Technology: 6 keys to drafting the royalty and financial terms for technology licensesRoyalty obligations should provide a clear description of the licensees activities for which royalties are to be paid and should be carefully coordinated with the license grant provisions.
By Mark Malven
9 minute read
January 06, 2012 | Inside Counsel
Technology: 5 keys to drafting technology licensesThe grant provisions in a license agreement should be considered the most critical section of the agreement and should constitute the core around which all the other provisions revolve.
By Mark Malven
9 minute read
December 23, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Technology: The keys to technology licensingBusiness success increasingly depends on new technologies and the wise use of intellectual property rights.
By Mark Malven
11 minute read
January 27, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Beware of Joint Ownership of IP Between Alliance PartnersJoint ownership can be fraught with unintended consequences.
By Mark Malven
7 minute read
January 13, 2011 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Outsourcing Transactions - Strategies, Tactics and Gotchas - Part 4A checklist of potential pitfalls and common mistakes in outsourcing agreements.
By Mark Malven
14 minute read
December 30, 2010 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Outsourcing Transactions - Strategies, Tactics and Gotchas - Part 3Take particular care in defining the scope of the services and the parties' respective rights to terminate.
By Mark Malven
8 minute read
December 16, 2010 | Inside Counsel
Technology: Outsourcing Transactions - Strategies, Tactics and Gotchas - Part 2Employee, tax and exchange rate issues can be significant, and should be addressed early.
By Mark Malven
11 minute read