Marlisse Silver Sweeney

Marlisse Silver Sweeney

Marlisse Silver Sweeney is the Canada-based correspondent for International. She writes about lawyers and legal issues across Canada. Her coverage includes the business of law, global and domestic law firms, in-house legal departments and regulatory issues. She can be reached at [email protected].

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October 26, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

EPA to Try New Ways to Analzye Data and Devise Rules

The agency adopts new technologies for the "next generation" of environmental rules.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read

October 26, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

If Hillary Wins, She May Trigger a Quirky Trademark Law

The law extends trademark protection to former presidents of the United States, whether living or not.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read

October 26, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

If Hillary Wins, She May Trigger a Quirky Trademark Law

The law extends trademark protection to former presidents of the United States, whether living or not.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read

October 23, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

You're a Manager Now. It's Time to Develop Different Skills

The keys to your success so far, such as being liked and being driven, don't necessarily translate to being a good manager.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

2 minute read

October 23, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Report: Top-Tier Law Firm Rates Surged This Year

Law firm billing rates are surging faster than the American to Canadian dollar exchange rate this year.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read

October 23, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

You're a Manager Now. It's Time to Develop Different Skills

The keys to your success so far, such as being liked and being driven, don't necessarily translate to being a good manager.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

2 minute read

October 23, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Report: Top-Tier Law Firm Rates Surged This Year

Law firm billing rates are surging faster than the American to Canadian dollar exchange rate this year.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read

October 22, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Which Pitches Do GCs Read? Keep Them Short and Actionable

Content may be king these days, but it's not all regal.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

2 minute read

October 21, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Intoxicated Employees? You Can Terminate, Unless They're Seeking Treatment

When an employee shows up intoxicated to work, is it OK to terminate him or her or must you place the employee on Family and Medical Leave Act leave to deal with the apparent addiction?

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

2 minute read

October 21, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

A Vexing HR Puzzle: What to Do With the Accidental Expatriate

Here are some tips for managing employees working abroad.

By Marlisse Silver Sweeney

1 minute read