Maydeen Merino

Maydeen Merino

Maydeen Merino is a regulatory reporter, covering the DOJ, FTC, SEC and EPA. She can be reached at [email protected].

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July 05, 2024 | National Law Journal

FTC Warns Eight Companies of Potentially Hindering Consumers' 'Right to Repair'

The FDA expressed concern with company statements that the agency described as telling consumers they must use specified parts or certain service providers to maintain their warranties.

By Maydeen Merino

3 minute read

July 03, 2024 | National Law Journal

Texas Federal Judge Blocks Implementation of FTC's Ban on Noncompetes

U.S. District Judge Ada Brown called the Federal Trade Commission Act a "housekeeping" statute that does not give the FTC "substantive" rulemaking authority.

By Maydeen Merino

4 minute read

July 02, 2024 | National Law Journal

'Corner Post' Will Lead to More Litigation, Losses for Agencies, Regulatory Attorneys Say

"The playing field has been leveled in challenges to agency actions," said Dan Jarcho, a partner at Alston & Bird.

By Maydeen Merino

4 minute read

July 01, 2024 | National Law Journal

'Jarkesy' Ruling Could Affect Agencies Beyond the SEC, Administrative Law Professors Say

In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that "the constitutionality of hundreds of statutes may now be in peril, and dozens of agencies could be stripped of their power to enforce laws enacted by Congress."

By Maydeen Merino

4 minute read

June 28, 2024 | National Law Journal

Chevron's Demise Could Affect Agency Rulemaking Agendas, Say Law Professors, Regulatory Attorneys

"This is just another example of a court that is highly skeptical of power being exercised by administrative agencies," said Cary Coglianese, a University of Pennsylvania law professor.

By Maydeen Merino

3 minute read

June 26, 2024 | National Law Journal

FTC Defends Investigation Into Cyberattack on MGM as Casino Giant Seeks to Block Probe

"MGM's suit fails ... both for lack of subject matter jurisdiction and for failure to state a claim for relief," the commission tells the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

By Maydeen Merino

3 minute read

June 25, 2024 | National Law Journal

SEC Should Engage Public When Proposing Rules That Exceed Agency Expertise, Former Chair Says

"You need to be more and more careful about engagement the further afield from your expertise the rulemaking is," Jay Clayton said.

By Maydeen Merino

3 minute read

June 25, 2024 | National Law Journal

EPA Wins Federal Court Challenge to Amended 'Waters of the United States' Rule

The North Carolina ruling is unlikely to influence other pending litigation challenging the agency's regulation, environmental lawyers said.

By Maydeen Merino

5 minute read

June 20, 2024 | National Law Journal

FTC's War on 'Dark Patterns' Derives From Years Opposing Deceptive Practices, Ex-Agency Leaders Say

"Sellers have always been trying to make consumers stay as customers and will go to great lengths to make it difficult for consumers to simply want to quit the company," said David Vladeck, former director of the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection.

By Maydeen Merino

4 minute read

June 14, 2024 | National Law Journal

Biden Taps Christy Goldsmith Romero to Chair the FDIC

If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Goldsmith Romero would succeed Martin Gruenberg, who has come under fire for the FDIC's reportedly toxic office. Gruenberg announced last month his intention to resign on the confirmation of his successor.

By Maydeen Merino

3 minute read