Michael D Goldhaber

Michael D Goldhaber

November 12, 2012 | National Law Journal

Exporting the First Amendment

If America's missionaries of free speech have seen mixed results, so have the U.S. apostles for freedom of information.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

3 minute read

September 01, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

Off the Transparency Rails

A court vacates an SEC rule, and now the commission faces a decision.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

4 minute read

January 03, 2005 | National Law Journal

Leveling Playing Field on Foreign Bribes

Governments overseas are starting to crack down more on corruption — specifically, bribes paid to government officials. That�s good news for U.S. businesses, which have found themselves at a disadvantage when foreign competitors used such means to gain favors.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

8 minute read

January 25, 2012 | Daily Report Online

Chevron looks for options in Ecuador fight

By Michael D. Goldhaber

4 minute read

July 29, 2012 | The American Lawyer

The Global Lawyer: Yukos and its $100 Billion Trial Balloons

On July 20 a group of Spanish funds won a $2.6 million arbitration award that cost nearly $15 million in unawarded fees, and may well be vacated by a Swedish court. Good investment? Hell yes, from the viewpoint of the oligarchs who used to control Yukos Oil Company, and fronted the fees.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

6 minute read

November 16, 2011 |

War-Gaming the Chevron Battle to End All Battles

Two decades into the battle over Chevron's environmental legacy in Ecuador, the stage finally seems to be set for the final act. With Chevron facing an $18 billion Ecuadorean judgment over pollution in Lago Agrio and arbitrators mulling whether to roll the judgment back, it's time to predict how the play will end.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

6 minute read

November 01, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

Dirty Minerals and Sunshine

Sneaked into the Dodd-Frank Act are a pair of provisos that aim to harness the Securities and Exchange Commission's reporting requirements to promote corporate social responsibility and the rule of law.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

5 minute read

February 13, 2013 | The American Lawyer

The Am Law 100, the Early Numbers: Latham's Profit Engine Fires on Eight Cylinders

Fueled by eight high-octane practices, Latham & Watkins posted solid gains in both gross revenue and profits per partner in 2012, according to The American Lawyer's reporting.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

3 minute read

August 29, 2012 | The American Lawyer

"I Should Be Part of That"

Robert Kapp of Hogan Lovells has had two phases in his pro bono career, either of which would merit our Lifetime Achiever honor on its own.

By Michael D. Goldhaber

4 minute read

October 21, 2011 |

The Corporate Criminal Plea Sets Sail for the U.K.

On the heels of the U.K. Bribery Act's implementation, some of Britain's top enforcement officials are pushing for the adoption of U.S.-style deferred prosecution agreements and plea bargain bills. Is the U.S. system a logical template for U.K. authorities?

By Michael D. Goldhaber

5 minute read

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