May 30, 2000 |
Associates: Q-Time, Dream Plan for UngreediesAaah, summer. Time to take the dream vacation that will justify a year of misery. Unless, that is, you're worried about meeting billable-hours targets and earning that new megabonus. Help may be on the way. A Los Angeles firm has created an ingenious system to eliminate the fear of losing vacation -- and maybe even keep your hours reasonable.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
4 minute read
November 01, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Chevron In Ecuador — the Tapes the Plaintiffs Don't Want You to SeeIn the final version of Crude — the 2009 Joel Berlinger documentary on the epic environmental suit brought by Amazon tribespeople against Chevron Corporation in Ecuador — lead U.S. plaintiffs' attorney Steven Donziger remarks: "This is something you would never do in the United States, but Ecuador, you know, this is how the game is played, it's dirty."
By Michael D. Goldhaber
3 minute read
January 31, 2011 | The Recorder
The Mystery of the Ghostwritten Report in Chevron/Ecuador CaseBy Michael D. Goldhaber
7 minute read
April 16, 2003 |
Globalists' Mighty WedgeFor years we've been told that any big firm worth its salt is a global firm. But there's a little problem with that notion: all the protectionist rules that block foreign lawyers from truly being equals at the bar. In the business world, there's a fix for such problems. It's known as a free trade agreement. So far, no multilateral agreement has explicitly included legal services. But what if one did?
By Michael D. Goldhaber
7 minute read
May 24, 1999 |
Wingtips take wingThe casual dress trend, begun in California and once limited to Fridays, has, it seems, spread across the country, a survey of dress policy by The National Law Journal shows.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
8 minute read
June 30, 2010 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: The Piracy ProblemPiracy at sea was one of the reasons that international law came into existence, but today's legal solutions are so flawed that captains sometimes prefer to toss captured pirates back into the ocean. As the U.N. mulls measures for piracy prosecution, the best option so far seems to be--Kenya?
By Michael D. Goldhaber
5 minute read
August 25, 2011 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: U.K. Shell Deal Spotlights Value of Common Law Model for Human Rights LitigationRoyal Dutch Shell has been sued so many times over its conduct in Nigeria that its cases offer a laboratory experiment for human rights litigation.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
5 minute read
October 23, 2000 |
The Life of the LawAfter nearly two years on the associates track and 70 "Associates" columns on every subject from an Ivy Leaguer trapped in a small firm, to a 70-year-old rookie, an entertaining law review, and a lawyers' orchestra, Michael D. Goldhaber shifts his focus -- not to "Partners" columns, but to column-worthy lawyers of all ages and sectors.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
4 minute read
November 11, 2011 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: War-Gaming the Chevron Battle to End All BattlesTwo decades into the battle over Chevron's environmental legacy in Ecuador, the stage finally seems to be set for the final act. With Chevron facing an $18 billion Ecuadorian judgment over pollution in Lago Agrio and arbitrators mulling whether to roll the judgment back, it's time to predict how the play will end. Hint: The oil company wins.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
October 01, 2008 | The American Lawyer
Open WoundsBig Oil and Big Mining face a host of allegations that they helped commit human rights abuses.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
8 minute read
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