October 05, 2000 | Law.com
Cows & Lawyers of the World, Unite!A child sorcerer in spectacles can capture the national imagination, why not cattle that unionize? "Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type," by associate Doreen Cronin, is this year's second-least-likely publishing hit. It cracked the New York Times picture book bestseller list in August, soon after Harry Potter forced the Times to list children's books separately, and has climbed as high as number five.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
4 minute read
December 03, 2010 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: No Blushes at Patton BoggsPatton partner James Tyrrell Jr., talks about why he signed on to represent the plaintiffs in the Ecuadorian toxic tort suit against Chevron, despite a damaging ruling from a federal judge that found apparent evidence of fraud by plaintiffs attorneys.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
December 17, 1999 | Law.com
Associates: Why Lawyers Ain't Leaving Las VegasThere is no neon in Vegas law offices. No piped-in music. No Wayne Newton. But Vegas firms are different. Lionel Sawyer & Collins, the town's leading firm with about 80 lawyers, has more firm lore than your local monolith. This, after all, is the firm that defended Circus Circus when it fired Kelbi the Living Doll for punching out a customer.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
4 minute read
August 10, 2011 | Law.com
Canada Hit With WTO, NAFTA Suits Over Green Energy Act's 'Buy Local' ProvisoIn trying to reap the wind, Canada has reaped a whirlwind. The country is being hit with the double whammy of a World Trade Organization suit filed by Japan and a NAFTA claim by T. Boone Pickens' Mesa Power Group for favoring clean power projects that use local suppliers.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
3 minute read
June 24, 2008 | The American Lawyer
FOCUS EUROPE: Divorce American StyleHow a Central Asian divorce opened the door to U.S.-style discovery in arbitration.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
July 27, 2010 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: Chevron Wields U.S. Discovery as a Weapon in Ecuadorian LitigationWhile Chevron's fight in the Second Circuit to obtain outtakes from the documentary Crude has become a First Amendment cause c�l�bre, the larger story is about the wholesale export of U.S.-style discovery to international disputes.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
February 05, 2009 | The American Lawyer
The AM LAW 100: Curtis Mallet-Prevost Sees Revenue SurgeBucking the trend among New York law firms, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle reports a 13.5 percent surge in revenue to $125 million.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
3 minute read
October 31, 2011 | The American Lawyer
The Global Lawyer: Chevron's Arbitration GambitThe Second Circuit's refusal to enjoin Ecuadorian plaintiffs from enforcing their $18 billion judgment against Chevron left the company's investment arbitration against Ecuador as its first global line of defense. It will be a tough defense for both Ecuador and the plaintiffs to overcome.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
February 10, 2011 | Corporate Counsel
Chevron Wins TRO Barring Ecuadorian Plaintiffs and Their Lawyers From Attempting to Enforce Ecuadorian JudgmentChevron chalks up a 'W' when a judge in Manhattan OKs a temporary restraining order against Ecuadorian plaintiffs. | SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE FIRST RELEASE: THE TAPES THE PLAINTIFFS DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE | FULL COVERAGE: CHEVRON IN ECUADOR
By Michael D. Goldhaber
6 minute read
November 01, 2010 | Law.com
Chevron in Ecuador -- the Tapes the Plaintiffs Don't Want You to SeeHere's an exclusive look at outtakes from the documentary "Crude," including astonishingly frank musings by the lead plaintiffs attorney in the environmental suit against Chevron.
By Michael D. Goldhaber
3 minute read
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