Michael Liedtke

Michael Liedtke

January 25, 2011 | Daily Report Online

Google is rich-but not as cool as it once was

Google is richer than ever, but it's not as cool as it once was.Facebook boasts 500 million members who share 30 billion links, notes and photos each month-data that Google's search engine can't completely index. It's so influential that 26-year-old founder Mark Zuckerberg was just named Time's person of the year, and a movie about the company's early days is a contender for best picture at the Oscars.

By Barbara Ortutay and Michael Liedtke

6 minute read

May 08, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Google CEO doesn't see problem with his Apple role


5 minute read

July 06, 2010 | Daily Report Online

Detroit newspaper execs: Gamble paid off

Detroit's two daily newspapers knew they were shoving some readers overboard in an effort to stay afloat when they decided to limit home delivery to just three days a week.It was only a question of how many subscribers would abandon the Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News once their print editions were no longer hitting doorsteps and driveways each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

By Michael Liedtke

8 minute read

December 07, 2011 | Daily Report Online

Humbled Netflix CEO still thinking, talking big

SAN FRANCISCO AP - To hear Netflix CEO Reed Hastings tell it, the bone-headed decisions that have dragged down the Internet's leading video subscription service during the past five months eventually will be forgotten like a bad movie made by a great film director.Shaking off the stigma of a massive flop won't be easy, a challenge Hastings acknowledged late Tuesday when he spoke at a UBS investor conference in New York.

By Michael Liedtke

6 minute read

August 21, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Microsoft, Yahoo, Amazon to fight Google book deal

SAN FRANCISCO AP - The fight against a legal settlement that would give Google Inc. the digital rights to millions of copyrighted books is starting to resemble a heavyweight brawl in the library.Microsoft Corp., Yahoo Inc. and Inc. are joining a coalition that hopes to rally opposition to Google's digital book ambitions and ultimately persuade a federal judge to block or revise the Internet search leader's plans.


4 minute read

December 09, 2011 | Daily Report Online

Netflix CEO 'not losing sleep' over backlash

To hear Netflix CEO Reed Hastings tell it, the bone-headed decisions that have dragged down the Internet's leading video subscription service during the past five months eventually will be forgotten like a bad movie made by a great film director.Shaking off the stigma of a massive flop won't be easy, a challenge Hastings acknowledged late Tuesday when he spoke at a UBS investor conference in New York.

By Michael Liedtke

6 minute read

February 20, 2013 | Daily Business Review

Microsoft's Outlook takes aim at Google's Gmail

Microsoft is so confident it has the Internet's best email service that it is about to spend at least $30 million to send its message across the U.S.

By Michael Liedtke The Associated Press

5 minute read

December 06, 2010 | Daily Report Online

Google opens e-book store in challenge to Amazon

SAN FRANCISCO AP - Google Inc. is making the leap from digital librarian to merchant in a challenge to Inc. and its Kindle electronic reader.The long-awaited Internet book store, which opened Monday in the U.S., draws upon a portion of the 15 million printed books that Google has scanned into its computers during the past six years.


5 minute read

July 29, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Microsoft, Yahoo agree on long-sought search deal


7 minute read

October 14, 2009 | Daily Report Online

Bloomberg plans to take over BusinessWeek magazine

SAN FRANCISCO AP - Bloomberg LP is buying BusinessWeek magazine in a deal that brings together a financial news service specializing in rapid-fire updates with a print publication struggling to adapt to the Internet's information whirlwind.Terms of the sale announced Tuesday were not disclosed. Citing unnamed people privy to the negotiations, BusinessWeek pegged the acquisition price at $2 million to $5 million in cash.


5 minute read