Michael W Peregrine

Michael W Peregrine

June 27, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Minute Taking and Mischief Making: A Cautionary Tale for CLOs

Some chief legal officers may now balk at participating in the minute-taking process for future board and committee meetings—at least those involving major transactions and other "bet the company" decisions.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read

May 11, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

All the President's Lawyers: Watergate's Lasting Impact on the Legal Profession

The Watergate scandal should be remembered for the enormous, lasting damage it caused to public confidence in the ethics of the legal profession—and for the reasons why.

By Michael W. Peregrine

5 minute read

March 04, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Board Support of General Counsel as Strategic Business Partner

The pendulum always seems to swing back. And with it are indications that the long-prevailing view of the general counsel as a strategic partner to management may be losing support in the C-Suite.

By Michael W. Peregrine

5 minute read

January 26, 2022 | Corporate Counsel

Options for Increasing the GC's 'Face Time' With the Board of Directors

The limited amount of "face time" general counsel appear to be given with their boards represents a significant governance and compliance concern that requires a collaborative board/management solution.

By Michael W. Peregrine

7 minute read

November 11, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

The Bully Boss and the General Counsel: A Corporate Responsibility 'Survival Plan'

Boards should be motivated by their legal compliance oversight obligations to address CEO bullying allegations that could impact the performance of the general counsel's responsibilities.

By Michael W. Peregrine

5 minute read

August 05, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

What Boards Should Do to Assure Ethics, Compliance Chiefs Have More Power

An important new governance survey provides a unique opportunity for leadership to assure that key corporate responsibility-focused officers have appropriate levels of authority and visibility within the organization.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read

May 10, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

How the Chief Legal Officer Can Support Leadership's Response to Social Justice Concerns

Corporate leadership should recognize the CLO as a strong resource for advice and counsel on political and social challenges and the potential consequences.

By Michael W. Peregrine

5 minute read

April 13, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

How CLOs Can Help Boards Prioritize the 'S' in ESG

The sheer number of issues, the magnitude of their potential impact and the form of a proper corporate response threaten to overwhelm the board's ability to process and prioritize the concerns. The CLO, in her role as both technical legal expert and corporate counselor, is well suited to guide the board in its related efforts.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read

January 27, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

The Lasting Message to Chief Legal Officers From the Challenger Disaster

The Challenger anniversary offers a substantive, practical message that is as relevant today as it was 35 years ago. And it's a message about the enduring importance of risk management and compliance processes; the value they bring to project development when thoughtfully structured, and the harm they can create when carelessly ignored.

By Michael W. Peregrine

5 minute read

December 11, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Supporting the CEO's Public Profile on Controversial Issues: Positioning the CLO To Provide Practical Advice

In a subtle shift from historical practice, CEOs across industry sectors have, in the last year, demonstrated a greater willingness to take public positions on public policy issues and related concerns. Yet such public positioning is not without significant reputational, performance and perhaps legal risk to the CEO and to the company.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read