Mike Evers

Mike Evers

May 03, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

Sourcing Your Next Great Hire

Every general counsel understands the importance of hiring the right people. Take your time. And do your best to take control of the process.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

April 05, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

Typos Are Tolerated When the Deadline for Everything Is Now

Today, I expect typos. On resumes! From attorneys who graduated from Top 20 law schools. It may surprise you that the worst offenders are not unemployed lawyers with below market pedigree.

By Mike Evers

2 minute read

March 05, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

10 Tips for the New GC Hired From Outside

Congratulations! You have just been hired as the new general counsel of Awesome, Inc. You are new to the company, the CEO is excited to have you on her team, and so you are starting the job with a healthy amount of political capital.

By Mike Evers

5 minute read

February 02, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

What Makes an In-House Career Satisfying? It's Not About the Money

Compensation matters. But while everyone knows that a select group of general counsel are paid handsomely, the fact remains that “BigLaw” law firm attorneys make more versus most of their experience-level counterparts in-house.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

January 08, 2018 | Corporate Counsel

Tips from GCs to Aspiring GCs

Nothing beats hearing directly from successful professionals who have been where you want to go.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

December 12, 2017 | Corporate Counsel

In Between In-House Jobs? Two Dos and One Don't While You're on the Hunt

So, your company has gone bankrupt, been acquired, or relocated its headquarters to the moon. These are generally considered the “good” reasons for being in-between positions while searching for a new in-house position.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

October 05, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Hippity Hoppity

I am seeing more and more resumes with multiple employers over a short span of time.  I’m not talking about contract roles, or law firms that…

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

September 22, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Law Department Politics 101

A new General Counsel has just joined your company, and she was an external hire.             …

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

August 09, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Compensation Disclosure: Trending Towards “No”

           In addition to a resume and our candidate assessment, clients always ask us to provide current compensation information. …

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

July 19, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Know when a candidate will, or won’t, relocate for your department

Many of our firm’s search assignments involve geographic relocation.  I learned the hard way about relocation cold feet when we lost a placement…

By Mike Evers

3 minute read