Mike Sacks

Mike Sacks

April 12, 2016 | National Law Journal

Morning Wrap: Merrick Garland's Web | Bill Baer Rises | Goldman Sachs Pays Up

Chuck Grassley and Merrick Garland are set to meet for breakfast today. The NLJ maps Garland's influence, as seen through his dozens of former law clerks. And Bill Baer, the former DOJ Antitrust Division chief, will take over as acting associate attorney general. This is a roundup from ALM and other publications.

By Mike Sacks

3 minute read

April 05, 2016 | National Law Journal

Morning Wrap: Justices 'Working Hard' to Avoid Deadlocks | The Grassley-Garland Breakfast

Justice Elena Kagan says the court is "working hard" to achieve consensus and avoid 4-4 deadlocks. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley will meet Merrick Garland for breakfast. And a look at the Panama law firm at the center of the offshore-account data leak. This is a roundup from ALM and other publications.

By Mike Sacks

5 minute read

April 01, 2016 | National Law Journal

Will Garland be Confirmed? White House Counsel Says He Has a 'Really Good Chance'

White House Counsel Neil Eggleston said at a Politico event Friday that he thinks D.C. Circuit Chief Judge and Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland has "a really good chance" of confirmation. With the nomination, the White House attempted to put the court above partisan politics, he said.

By Mike Sacks

8 minute read

March 30, 2016 | Law.com

Senate Takes Backpage.com to Court Over Subpoena

The Senate permanent subcommittee on investigations filed suit on Tuesday asking a federal court in Washington to enforce a subpoena against Backpage.com chief executive officer Carl Ferrer as part of the committee's inquiry into whether the online classifieds service facilitates sex trafficking.

By Mike Sacks

9 minute read

March 29, 2016 | National Law Journal

One Republican Opens Door to Garland, But a Vote Remains Uncertain

Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland returned to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to pay his first visit to a Republican, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, who belongs to a faction of Senate GOPers that have agreed to meet with the D.C. Circuit Chief Judge despite party leadership's refusal to move forward with the confirmation process until after November's elections.

By Mike Sacks

8 minute read

March 29, 2016 | National Law Journal

Morning Wrap: More Republicans Open to Meeting Garland | RBG to Make Cameo in 'Merchant of Venice'

More Senate Republicans are open to meeting with—if not actually voting on—Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, NBC News reports. The Justice Department drops its request for an order forcing Apple to break into the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone. And Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will make a cameo appearance in "Merchant of Venice." This is a roundup from ALM and other publications.

By Mike Sacks

5 minute read

March 24, 2016 | National Law Journal

There Is No 'Biden Rule,' Vice President Says in Challenge to Garland Impasse

Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said his comments in 1992 as then-chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee warning against election-year confirmation battles do not justify Senate Republicans' blockade on Merrick Garland's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. "There is no Biden Rule. It doesn't exist," Biden said at Georgetown University Law Center. "There's only one rule I ever followed in the Judiciary Committee. It was the Constitution's clear rule of advice and consent."

By Mike Sacks

15 minute read

March 22, 2016 | National Law Journal

Morning Wrap: Racing Merrick Garland | FBI Might Not Need Apple's Help After All

A former classmate of Merrick Garland's writes about his run-ins—quite literally—with the would-be U.S. Supreme Court nominee. The FBI says it's talking to a third-party about how to break into an iPhone without forcing Apple Inc. to help out. And the Supreme Court picks up, for the first time in 130 years, a case about design patent damages. This is a roundup from ALM and other publications.

By Mike Sacks

6 minute read

March 21, 2016 | National Law Journal

History of Opposition to Merrick Garland—It's Nothing Personal

If Senate Republicans sent one message to Merrick Garland after his nomination last week to the U.S. Supreme Court, it was that their problem is not with him or his qualifications, but with the seat he's been nominated to fill. The position is a familiar one for Garland, now chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit: 19 years ago, Republicans took to the Senate floor to praise the man and protest his nomination. He was confirmed by a 76-23 vote more than a year after President Bill Clinton first submitted his name.

By Mike Sacks

17 minute read

March 17, 2016 | National Law Journal

Democrats Meet Garland as Republican Leader Holds the Line

Senate Democrats met with President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, Thursday beginning the next phase of their campaign to break Republicans' resolve to hold no confirmation hearings or votes until the next president takes office.

By Mike Sacks

4 minute read