Miriam Rozen

Miriam Rozen

Miriam Rozen covers the business of law and focuses on how lawyers preserve and expand their client roster. Contact her at [email protected]. Twitter: @MiriamRozen.

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February 22, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Houston Lawyer Pursues Big-Screen Ambitions

Granted his face doesn't garner the recognition of movie stars like Al Pacino, Anthony Hopkins or Mickey Rourke, but a Houston lawyer has nonetheless begun accumulating screen time at a pace to keep up with such celebrities.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read

February 22, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Federal Judge Dismisses Claims Against Wayne Reaud, Five Others

A federal judge dismissed claims filed against well-known Beaumont litigator Wayne Reaud and five other defendants—all named in a sprawling complaint filed by two African-American plaintiffs.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read

February 18, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Waco Biker Wants to Be Tried in Houston, Dallas or Austin—Just Not Waco

A district judge in McLennan County is scheduled April 1 to consider a request by Dallas lawyer Clint Broden, who represents a defendant in the Waco biker criminal cases, to move his client's criminal trial from Waco to Austin, Dallas or Houston.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read

February 05, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Steven Mostyn's Clients Win Order in Pelvic Mesh Case

In the 55th District Court in Houston, Judge Jaclanel McFarland issued an order barring Boston Scientific, the medical equiment and devices company, from disposing or altering supplies of a resin material, allegedly used in surgical vaginal mesh products.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read

February 05, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Apple Inc. Seeks Mistrial After $625M Jury Verdict

Brad Caldwell, a principal in Dallas' Caldwell, Cassady & Curry, represents the plaintiff VirnetX, which filed against the iPhone maker. He has no illusions that the verdict, one of the largest an East Texas federal jury ever issued, will end the lengthy litigation saga between the two companies.

By Miriam Rozen

3 minute read

February 05, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Presidential Politics: Lawyers Join Grassroot Contributors

Ted Cruz's campaign, which he proclaimed as financed by a grassroots movement, received 1,423 donations from contributors who identified themselves as lawyers or attorneys. The average amount of each of those contributions was $577, according to calculations based on the Federal Election Commission reports.

By Miriam Rozen

4 minute read

February 02, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Target Wins Take-Nothing Verdict

How many shopping carts does it take to win a take-nothing jury verdict for Target Corp.? The answer: 200,000, or about four years' worth of carts an attendant returned to a store, according to Donna Peavler.

By Miriam Rozen

3 minute read

February 01, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Cheerleaders, 'The Lion King' Reference Together in Justice's Opinion

Leave it to Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett to squeeze characters from Disney's "The Lion King" and cheerleaders into a concurring opinion. No one who follows Willett's Twitter feed would be surprised to see his popular culture references.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read

January 28, 2016 |

Opposing Counsel About Ted Cruz: 'He Wasn't a Jerk'

U.S. Senator and Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz was not such a bad apple, according to appellate lawyers who identify themselves as Democrats and previously opposed him in court.

By Miriam Rozen

5 minute read

January 27, 2016 | Texas Lawyer

Texas Attorney General Files Motion to Dismiss Civil Charges Against State Trooper in Sandra Bland Case

The Texas Attorney General filed a motion to dismiss civil rights claims filed by Sandra Bland's mother against Brian Encinia, a Texas state trooper.

By Miriam Rozen

2 minute read