

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

In the Matter of William R. Hendrickson Jr.

ALJ Decisions Adopted Due to Agency Inaction Caused by Lack of Quorum Not Entitled to Deferential Appellate Review

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

5 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

State v. S.B.

Youth Ministries Associated with Religious Organizations Not Exempt from Megan's Law Definition of "Youth Serving Organization"

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

4 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

State v. K.S.

Defendant Entitled to Drug Court Expungement Where Convictions During Special Probation Were for Offenses Committed Prior to Drug Court Sentencing

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

3 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

B.G. v. L.H.

Jurisdiction over Custody Matters Not Relinquished Where Circumstances Had Not Sufficiently Changed

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

3 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

State ex rel. Campagna v. Post Integrations, Inc.

New Jersey False Claims Act Explicitly Excluded State Tax Matters from Its Ambit

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

6 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

In the Matter of the Enforcement of New Jersey False Claims Act Subpoenas

NJFCA Did Not Authorize Attorney General to Invoke Administrative Subpoena Power After Right to Intervene in Qui Tam Action Expired

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

3 minute read

July 27, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Capital Health Sys., Inc. v. Horizon Healthcare Servs., Inc.

Appellate Court Exceeded Abuse-of-Discretion Standard of Review of Discovery Orders by Assessing Sought Information's Relevance against Merits of Case

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

11 minute read

July 25, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

BAR REPORT July 24, 2017

CAPITOL REPORT This is a status report provided by the New Jersey State Bar Association on recently passed and pending legislation, regulations, gubernatorial…

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

2 minute read

July 24, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wrongful Death Cases Revisited: Not Every Mistake is Fatal

There are three cases holding that the "technical mistake" of not obtaining both general letters of administration and letters of administration ad prosequendum can be cured at any stage of the litigation.

By Jon Lomurro and Abbott Brown

5 minute read

July 24, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Capitol Report

A report on recent action in Trenton of interest to NJSBA members

By njlawjournal | New Jersey Law Journal |

4 minute read