Patricia Kane

Patricia Kane

Patricia Kane is the Courts Editor for the New York Law Journal.

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January 10, 2020 | New York Law Journal

'Smart' Clothing: A New Liability Frontier?

In his Complex Litigation column, Michael Hoenig uses the recent case 'Andrews v. Lands' End', where Delta Airlines flight attendants claimed their uniforms caused them adverse health effects, to discuss the current law and issues surrounding "smart clothing."

By Michael Hoenig

8 minute read

January 08, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Legal Aid Society Hires Corey Stoughton as Attorney-in-Charge of Criminal Defense Practice Special Litigation Unit

And other announcements of recent hirings and promotions of New York attorneys.

By Patricia Kane

4 minute read

January 07, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Realty Law Digest

In his Realty Law Digest, Scott E. Mollen discusses the recent landlord-tenant cases "Maddicks v. Big City Properties," and "Varley v. Elk."

By Scott E. Mollen

17 minute read

January 07, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Funds Travel Rule: A Headache for Cryptocurrency Transmitters

Over the past few years, investor money has been flooding into cryptocurrency transmission businesses. Entrepreneurs and investors have been moving quickly to capture market share in this potentially massive market. However, it looks like some of those businesses have moved a little too quickly.

By Jeffrey Alberts and Dustin N. Nofziger

8 minute read

January 07, 2020 | New York Law Journal

Housing Discrimination: Navigating the Landscape for Local Govt's

Scott J. Kreppein discusses the current state of law with respect to racial demographics and housing trends. He writes: "Local governments face potential adverse consequences when they fail to consider the impact of their policies upon protected classes when appropriate or necessary."

By Scott J. Kreppein

12 minute read

January 07, 2020 | New York Law Journal

A World in Crisis: What 2019 Taught Us About Communications

In their Law Firm Management column, Zach Olsen and Jesse Dungan consider some of the emerging—and long-established—crisis scenarios that presented themselves over the course of 2019 and offer takeaways for lawyers and their clients going into 2020.

By Zach Olsen and Jesse Dungan

9 minute read

January 03, 2020 | New York Law Journal

An Update on the Ethics of Lateral Movement

In their Professional Responsibility column, Anthony Davis and Janis Meyer examine Formal Opinion, 489, titled "Obligations Related to Notice When Lawyers Change Firms," which provides a helpful summary of the rules that govern lawyers and their law firms in the context of lateral movement.

By Anthony E. Davis and Janis M. Meyer

8 minute read

December 24, 2019 | New York Law Journal

'The Guarded Gate': Remember the Mistakes of the Past

In his latest book, Daniel Okrent examines the 1924 statute and "eugenics," the pseudoscience employed to justify the act's restrictions and prevent so-called ruinous "genetic traits" from poisoning America.

By Jeffrey M. Winn

9 minute read

December 24, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Narrowing the Bounds of 'Windfall' Restitution Awards in Financial Fraud Cases

In their Second Circuit Review column, Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp discuss 'U.S.v. Calderon,' where the Second Circuit limited the availability of "windfall" restitution awards and narrowed its interpretation of the "proximate cause" requirement for financial fraud victims under the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996.

By Martin Flumenbaum and Brad S. Karp

10 minute read

December 23, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Offer of Judgment: An Underutilized Tool in Federal Cases

An offer of judgment is used to encourage settlements and protect parties willing to settle early in the litigation process. It is an extremely useful tool however there are important nuances to using this strategy successfully.

By Kenneth E. Pitcoff and Andrea M. Alonso

7 minute read

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