Randall J Peach

Randall J Peach

October 27, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

New Bullying Case Offers Hope for First Amendment Rights in Schools

Anyone who follows school law knows that these types of HIB charges are commonplace—and difficult to challenge. In seeking to combat bullying, the HIB statute (N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13) is exceedingly broad, focusing not on traditional categories of protected traits (race, gender, nationality, etc.) but on any "distinguishing characteristic," of any kind.

By Randall J. Peach

5 minute read

May 27, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

There Is No 'Hate Speech' Exception to the First Amendment

OP-ED: Decisions based on judges' personal views of what constitutes acceptable political speech are not only inconsistent with the First Amendment, but undermine the rule of law.

By Randall J. Peach

5 minute read

October 04, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Disturbed by NJ's New School Curriculum Requirements

OP-ED: What business is it of the schools—or politicians—what children or their parents believe about "diversity" or "equity," let alone how these concepts are defined by the latest social justice movements?

By Randall J. Peach

4 minute read

December 04, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Realtors, Auctions and Three-Day Attorney Review

OP-ED: The appeal in 'Sullivan v. Max Spann' seeks to enforce the clear, unambiguous wording of the Supreme Court's 1983 order in 'NJSBA v. N.J. Ass'n of Realtor Boards,' i.e., licensed realtors cannot prepare a sales contract without including the mandated language giving the parties three days for attorney review.

By Randall J. Peach

5 minute read

April 28, 2016 | New Jersey Law Journal

When the Courts Get It Wrong – And a Life Is Destroyed

Sometimes, it seems, the court just gets it wrong, and there can be grave consequences.

By Randall J. Peach

5 minute read

October 19, 2007 | New Jersey Law Journal

N.J. Top Court Has Chance To Fix Standard in Animal-Rights Rules

The New Jersey Supreme Court will soon decide a major animal welfare case, one involving the deplorable treatment of animals raised on factory farms.

By Randall J. Peach

5 minute read

August 01, 2005 | New Jersey Law Journal

Court Can Sway Public Opinion By Permitting Gay Marriage

There will always be people who oppose gay marriage and gay rights no matter how the courts rule, but the majority would come to accept gay marriage if the courts simply led the way.

By Randall J. Peach

4 minute read

May 22, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Lighten LAD's Load on Small Companies

The state could lessen LAD's impact on small businesses by require an employee who wants to sue a company to first file an administrative complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or the state's Division on Civil Rights.

By Randall J. Peach

4 minute read

February 27, 2001 | Law.com

Defense Lawyers See Flaws in New Jersey Bill Penalizing DWI Picker-Uppers

Come this spring, New Jersey lawyers might start telling their clients to think twice before they come to the aid of friends or family members arrested for drunken driving. "John's Law" -- a bill that's racing toward enactment -- would place a good Samaritan squarely in the shoes of the DWI arrestee that someone picks up at the stationhouse.

By Randall J. Peach

6 minute read

April 17, 2001 | Law.com

Defamation Claim Against Ford for Strangulation Allegations Is Barred

A civil litigant who suggests another may be guilty of a crime can't be sued for defamation if the statement is part of a legitimate defense, a federal judge ruled. The decision is a win for Ford Motor Co. in an unusual case. As part of its defense to a suit filed by a New Jersey dentist who claims his wife was killed by the air bag in their Explorer, Ford is suggesting that the plaintiff may have killed his wife.

By Randall J. Peach

4 minute read

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