Randy Evans

Randy Evans

July 30, 2014 | The Recorder

Beware Unintended Attorney-Client Relationships

Even friendly conversations with neighbors can be construed as legally binding. Don't let an informal legal advice request become a binding agreement.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

6 minute read

July 22, 2014 | The Recorder

Five Must-Haves for Engagement Letters

To guard against malpractice claims, engagement letters should identify the client, outline the scope of the representation and confirm the fee.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read

July 16, 2014 | The Recorder

Understanding Legal Malpractice to Reduce Your Risk

Know what constitutes malpractice and outline your duties to clients at the start of a relationship to mitigate exposure.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read

July 09, 2014 | The Recorder

Constant Communication Can Prevent Payment Problems From Becoming Lawsuits

Billing early and often, following up on nonpayment and other helpful hints to stop billing issues from becoming malpractice claims.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read

July 03, 2014 | The Recorder

Legal Fees and the Malpractice Minefield

Five steps for effective billing and collection that can help avoid legal malpractice claims.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

6 minute read

June 27, 2014 | The Recorder

When to Sue Your Client for Unpaid Fees

Four questions to ask before you file, from the authors of a new book on legal malpractice.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read

June 18, 2014 | The Recorder

The Ethical Implications of Alternative Fee Arrangements

Lawyers need to be mindful of ethics issues when crafting different billing structures, explain the authors of a new book on minimizing legal malpractice risks.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

8 minute read

June 11, 2014 | The Recorder

Attorney-Mediators Can't Hide From Conflicts of Interest

Even without legal services being rendered, conflicts can arise.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

8 minute read

June 04, 2014 | The Recorder

Keys to Effective Conflict Waiver Disclosures

A simple agreement isn't enough; disclosures must be detailed and put in writing, according to our legal malpractice columnists.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read

May 29, 2014 | The Recorder

Check Conflicts Early and Always

An effective conflicts screening process is vital for reducing malpractice exposure. Here's what yours should look like.

By Randy Evans, Shari Klevens and Suzanne Y. Badawi

7 minute read