Randy Evans

Randy Evans

November 08, 2016 | The Recorder

How to Steer Clear of Claims in Insurance Defense Work

For years, the insurance defense practice was considered less likely to yield malpractice claims. Due to the unique and sometimes complicated relationship an attorney has with an insurer and an insured, that's changing.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read

November 01, 2016 | The Recorder

The High Cost of Incivility in the Legal Profession

The decisions of bar associations and state supreme courts make clear that integrity, professionalism and civility in the legal profession are worth more than occasional lip service as part of continuing legal education programs.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

12 minute read

October 25, 2016 | The Recorder

Advice for Advising Clients Across Borders

A national or international practice raises some potential hazards, including the unauthorized practice of law and legal malpractice exposure under the laws of multiple states. These risks can be reduced or even wholly minimized with a few simple steps.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

12 minute read

October 19, 2016 | The Recorder

Compensation Remains One of the Most Important Decisions for a Law Firm

Despite the tendency to delay or even avoid conversations on partner pay, compensation remains one of the most scrutinized—and important—decisions for a law firm.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

October 12, 2016 | The Recorder

Preventing the Preventable: Attorney Suicide

Among professionals, lawyers rank among the highest in rates of suicide. Partners, colleagues, friends and family can help by talking about the issue, identifying solutions for those at risk, and watching for warning signs.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

October 04, 2016 | The Recorder

3 Steps for Preparing for a Partner Retirement

Both attorneys and firms must plan for the transition from the active practice of law to part- or full-time retirement.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

September 29, 2016 | The Recorder

How to Take Stock of Motions to Disqualify—or Avoid Them Altogether

Few things will impede the progression of a representation faster than a motion to disqualify.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

12 minute read

September 14, 2016 | The Recorder

Avoiding Common Law Firm Cybersecurity Pitfalls

Cybersecurity often causes trepidation among attorneys simply because attorneys lack understanding of the nature of online risks and how to protect themselves.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read

August 31, 2016 | The Recorder

The Ethics of Alternative Fee Arrangements

As the legal industry continues to adapt post-Great Recession, alternative fee arrangements are becoming more prevalent.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read

August 25, 2016 | The Recorder

Consistent Conflicts Checks Are Critical

Developing a conflicts system is relatively painless, but implementing and complying with it 100 percent of the time is challenging.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read