Reviewed By Jeffrey Winn

Reviewed By Jeffrey Winn

October 18, 2017 | New York Law Journal

The Second Greatest American

Attorney Daniel Kornstein attempts to refurbish Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s reputation as a great jurist and American.

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

August 29, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Sex and the Constitution: Sex, Religion and Law From America's Origins to the Twenty-First Century

As America's endless culture wars fester, Prof. Geoffrey R. Stone of the University of Chicago Law School has published a powerful history of the constitutional battles over sexual expression, reproductive freedom, and sexual preference.

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

December 23, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey Of George Herbert Walker Bush

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

5 minute read

December 22, 2015 | New York Law Journal

Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey Of George Herbert Walker Bush

By Jon Meacham, Random House, New York, $35, 836 pages Abraham Lincoln once observed that "Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves."…

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

5 minute read

November 14, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Reflections on Judging

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

October 16, 2012 | New York Law Journal

The Oath: The Obama White House and The Supreme Court

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

April 19, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Young Marshall: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

5 minute read

July 26, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Representing the Race: The Creation of the Civil Rights Lawyer

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

January 24, 2013 | New York Law Journal

The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Defender of the Realm 1940-1965

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

5 minute read

April 20, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Eisenhower in War and Peace

By Reviewed by Jeffrey Winn

6 minute read

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