Richard Levick

Richard Levick

April 15, 2020 | Litigation Daily

Privacy in the Pandemic Age: Balancing Business Need-to-Know vs. Employee Privacy 

'Employer vs. employee privacy and technology legal issues are convoluted and getting more convoluted by the day,' writes Levick chairman and CEO Richard Levick.

By Richard Levick

7 minute read

September 23, 2019 | Pro Mid Market

The Open Kimono: What Drives the Rising Success of Midsize Firms?

In 2019, the economies of scale are all the more daunting, the demand for global "platform" all the more importunate. Presumably, to succeed today, midsize firms need fresh arguments to wean legal service buyers away from the brand-name behemoths.

By Richard Levick

6 minute read

June 24, 2019 |

From Litigation Financing to Law Firm Growth Capital: A Natural Evolution for Legal Industry Investors

We can't yet predict a deluge of private equity in the legal industry, but there are resources, ready and waiting, that can help level the legal industry playing field to a significant and very desirable extent.

By Richard Levick

6 minute read

October 01, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

Litigation Finance: Noisy Propaganda Obscures a Basic Truth

To portray litigation finance as a kind of piracy is disingenuous when its real impact is to help ensure what the public expects of every business transaction—a level competitive playing field.

By Richard Levick

5 minute read

July 03, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

Litigation Funding: What Recent Lawmaking Might Mean for In-House Counsel

Recent legislative activity intended to make litigation funding more transparent may or may not be warranted, but it does at least continue one salutary trend, which is to broaden the debate on the ethical and social issues at play.

By Richard Levick

1 minute read

April 11, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

Midsize Firms: Opportunities Abound in the Digital Wonderland

There are still unique challenges at every level of midsized operations, from managing off-the-reservation rainmakers to convincing clients that sufficient platform doesn't always necessitate dozens of offices in multiple countries. From a marketing standpoint, the challenges are obviously twofold: to articulate the right message about the specific value the firm offers, size notwithstanding, and to find ways to most effectively disseminate that message. The confusion comes in how to do both. Let's talk about the easiest and most effective way to execute a strategy that achieves both goals with minimal disruption to the practice of law.

By Richard Levick, Esq.

6 minute read

May 02, 2016 | Legaltech News

The Panama Effect: What Actions Will Law Firms Take on Cybersecurity?

There is now an urgency that wasn't there before, simply because events have called into question the very ability of law firms to protect data.

By Richard Levick, LEVICK

5 minute read

September 30, 2014 | Corporate Counsel

Diversity at law firms: Can GCs look beyond the numbers?

If the objective is real diversity, wed suggest that a closer dialogue on actual practices will benefit everyone. Are senior managers and rainmakers visibly and insistently supporting the diversity goal?

By Richard Levick

7 minute read

July 23, 2014 | Corporate Counsel

Crisis prevention and management: Global GCs step forward

For those of us who have championed the idea of general counsel as global business strategists, KPMG's most recent study is a welcome validator of the essential points weve emphasized.

By Richard Levick

4 minute read

June 26, 2014 | Corporate Counsel

Caesar's wife: GCs in the spotlight and under the gun

No matter what eventually happens, the controversy surrounding General Motors defective ignition switches and the company's alleged failure to recall the product when needed will continue to resonate for in-house counsel in the decades-long struggle to define their dual public and client responsibilities.

By Richard Levick

4 minute read