Riley Brennan

Riley Brennan

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January 29, 2024 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Judge Denies Former Bridgeport City Employee Economic Damages After Verdict Sunk Her Sexual Harassment Claim

A Connecticut judge denied back pay to a Bridgeport youth program manager who levied hostile workplace and sexual harassment claims against the city but awarded her attorney fees.

By Riley Brennan

5 minute read

January 29, 2024 | The Recorder

UPS Accused of Failing to Provide Suitable Bathroom Facilities, Ways to Dispose of 'Urine-Filled Containers' for Drivers

This suit was surfaced by Radar, ALM's source for immediate alerting on just-filed cases in state and federal courts.

By Riley Brennan

4 minute read

January 29, 2024 |

Massachusetts Court Weighs In on Process Before Involuntarily Committing Defendant for Competency Determination

"The court provided guidance that where a person has had an initial clinical evaluation for competency at court, the commonwealth has the burden to prove by clear and convincing evidence that hospitalization is the least restrictive alternative to adequately determine the defendant's competency to stand trial. Now, prosecutors across the state have clear guidance and judges have clarity that they must make clear findings to support those temporary hospitalizations." Norfolk District Attorney's Office spokesman David Traub said.

By Riley Brennan

7 minute read

January 26, 2024 |

University of Utah Accused of Hiring Discrimination, Denying Job Applicants for 'Lack of Diversity'

This suit was surfaced by Radar, ALM's source for immediate alerting on just-filed cases in state and federal courts. Radar now offers state court coverage nationwide. Sign up today and be among the first to know about new suits in your region, practice area or client sector.

By Riley Brennan

6 minute read

January 26, 2024 |

DC-Area Walmart Stores Accused of Mispricing Items, Charging More at Check Out in Class Action Lawsuit

According to the class action suit, more than 400 items were mispriced throughout store locations in D.C., many of which are alleged to have been mispriced and left uncorrected for months.

By Riley Brennan

3 minute read

January 25, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Judge Allows Former Hospital Worker's Religious Discrimination Suit Against the Hospital

"Viewing the facts in the light most favorable to Plaintiff, his beliefs about the use of aborted fetal cells, his body as 'God's temple,' and the COVID-19 vaccine are cohesive with his Christian faith," Judge Joel Harvey Slomsky said.

By Riley Brennan

6 minute read

January 25, 2024 | The Recorder

9th Circuit Rules FBI Violated Fourth Amendment Due to Warrant's Lack of Specificity

The opinion held that the FBI's search and seizure of the plaintiffs' safe deposit boxes violated their Fourth Amendment rights, as the FBI didn't have a warrant to specifically search or seize the contents in the boxes.

By Riley Brennan

7 minute read

January 25, 2024 |

VA Court Rules Extended Premises Doctrine Broadens Company Property in Workers' Comp Suit

Affirming the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission's judgment awarding an United Airlines customer service representative's compensable injury, the court concluded defendant Milly Sullivan fell and injured herself on United's premises, as the incident occurred in sufficient proximity to the terminal.

By Riley Brennan

6 minute read

January 25, 2024 |

Ohio High Court Calls Out Appellate Court for Failing to Follow Its Directions on Remand

"It is axiomatic that an inferior court lacks jurisdiction to depart from a superior court's mandate. In AWMS, we reversed the court of appeals' grant of summary judgment to the state and remanded the case specifically for the purpose of conducting the proper takings analysis. In this regard, we did not leave the court of appeals' task open-ended," the court said. "Rather, we specified that the court of appeals 'must weigh the parties' evidence relating to AWMS's total-takings claim' and 'must weigh the parties' evidence in accordance with this opinion.'"

By Riley Brennan

5 minute read

January 24, 2024 |

'The Lord Told Us To:' Colorado Pastor Accused of Defrauding Millions in Cryptocurrency Scheme

"Out of the $1.3 [million], half a million dollars went to the IRS, and a few hundred thousand dollars went to a home remodel the Lord told us to do," defendant Eligio (Eli) Regalado, a paster at Victorious Grace Church, said in a video.

By Riley Brennan

6 minute read