Ryan Lovelace is based in Washington, D.C., and covers the intersection of law firm business, lobbying and the federal government. Contact him at [email protected]. On Twitter: @lovelaceryand
September 03, 2019 | National Law Journal
What's the Best Firm for Midlevel Big Law Associates in DC?Homegrown D.C. firms fared worse than out-of-town offices in a survey of associate satisfaction.
By Ryan Lovelace
3 minute read
August 28, 2019 | National Law Journal
Baker McKenzie Int'l Trade Pro Jumps to Sidley as Trade Wars SimmerFormer Baker McKenzie D.C. officer leader Ted Murphy says unsettled geopolitics have created a boom in trade-related work.
By Ryan Lovelace
3 minute read
August 27, 2019 | National Law Journal
Cozen Data Security Department Chair Rejoins Proskauer in DCRyan Blaney spent about five years at Philadelphia-based Cozen O'Connor, and is now part of Proskauer Rose's health care group.
By Ryan Lovelace
2 minute read
August 23, 2019 | National Law Journal
Washington Wrap: Covington's Jon Kyl Keeps After FacebookFacebook announced Kyl's team's findings this week, but the former senator's work with the social media site may just be starting.
By Ryan Lovelace
5 minute read
August 21, 2019 | National Law Journal
Under New Leadership, Legal Marketing Association Eyes International ExpansionLMA executive director Danielle Holland said the association plans to grow beyond the existing eight regions it services across the United States and Canada.
By Ryan Lovelace
3 minute read
August 20, 2019 | National Law Journal
Cooley Adds Veteran Tax Partner in DC From Wilson SonsiniEileen Marshall, who moved to Cooley after spending more than 20 years at rival Wilson Sonsini, said she gave some thought to how an economic downturn would affect her practice and believed Cooley was well situated.
By Ryan Lovelace
3 minute read
August 20, 2019 | National Law Journal
SEC Enforcement's Cyber Unit Leader Decamps to Davis PolkRobert Cohen spent 15 years at the SEC, and wants to take that experience into the private sector.
By Ryan Lovelace
3 minute read
August 16, 2019 | National Law Journal
Covington Joins NAACP Push to Scrap Confederate Names From Virginia SchoolsIn Hanover County, the NAACP is suing to change the names of Lee-Davis High School and Stonewall Jackson Middle School.
By Ryan Lovelace
2 minute read
August 16, 2019 | National Law Journal
Washington Wrap: ABA Report Reveals DC Lawyers’ Premier PerchWashington, D.C., has one lawyer for every 13 residents, and they're some of the best-paid attorneys in the country.
By Ryan Lovelace
4 minute read
August 15, 2019 | National Law Journal
Legal Services Corporation Awards $4.3 Million in Pro Bono Innovation GrantsThe grants, including more than $500,000 to legal aid organizations in the Washington area, will support new ways to assist low-income clients.
By Ryan Lovelace
2 minute read