Ryan Mcconnell

Ryan Mcconnell

May 29, 2013 |

Teaching Compliance: How Law Schools Can Fight Unemployment

It's no secret that the current job market is tough for law students, but one bright spot in the legal job market has been compliance.

By Ryan McConnell

5 minute read

December 23, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

How to Keep Your Company Off of the Government's Naughty List

During the holiday season, gifts can be particularly problematic for antibribery compliance programs. The best gift in-house counsel can give their company is to ensure the company's policies addresses commercial and foreign bribery risk.

By Ryan McConnell and Katelyn Richardson

4 minute read

August 22, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

Antitrust Policies in Fortune 500 Codes of Conduct

A look at some of the University of Houston Law Center's Fortune 500 codes of conduct database, examining antitrust statistics to see how top U.S. companies are addressing antitrust policies.

By Ryan McConnell

3 minute read

August 31, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

What Your Code of Conduct Says About Your Corporate Culture

The most important use of resources in drafting or revising a code of conduct is to get the culture right. And that has to come from within the company.

By Ryan McConnell and Charlotte Simon

4 minute read

October 31, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

Corporations and Politics: Blue or Red, Few Companies are Neutral

The election cycle is in full swing. Candidates are debating policy...and seeking money. As Americans sort the candidates, companies should look at their political contributions policies.

By Ryan McConnell, Katharine Southard, and Katelyn Richardson

4 minute read

February 05, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

FCPA Enforcement Stats Are Over-Hyped for Compliance Assessments

The problem with using Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement statistics to evaluate compliance risk assessments is that just because violations occur in one country this year, it does not mean the same will be true next year.

By Ryan McConnell

5 minute read

February 28, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

Taking a Bite Out of Cyber Crime

The impact of IP theft on U.S. companies is direct and profound, and in-house counsel must understand the risks of data theft and the available tools to prevent and respond to incidents.

By Ryan McConnell and Tim McInturf

5 minute read

April 25, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

10 Prosecution Terms You Didn't Learn on The Wire

Because there will never be a season of The Wire focusing on corporate crime, we've put together a quick reference guide for need-to-know corporate federal criminal procedure terms.

By Ryan McConnell and Sonia Rye

6 minute read

December 13, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

The HSBC Settlement's 5-Page Road Map to Corporate Compliance

HSBC's big forfeiture numbers grabbed the headlines, but the real lesson for corporate compliance officers is found in the five pages worth of remedial measures to address sanctions and money-laundering risk.

By Ryan McConnell and Charlotte Simon

6 minute read

September 16, 2013 | Corporate Counsel

The Fantasy Football Compliance Philosophy

As in-house counsel are inundated with stacks of resumes from prospective recruits touting compliance experience, it is difficult to sort the winners from the losers. Here's an innovative tool that will help screen applicants: fantasy football.

By Ryan McConnell and Michelle Jee

4 minute read