Samuel C Stretton

Samuel C Stretton

November 04, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Have an Employee Policy in Place for Nonlawyers

As a younger lawyer, I am hiring my first paralegal and part-time secretary. What are my responsibilities?

By Samuel C. Stretton

14 minute read

October 27, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Attorney-Client Relationship Has Suffered in This Modern Age

What are some of the most distasteful issues you face as a practicing lawyer in this modern age?

By Samuel C. Stretton

18 minute read

October 20, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

It's Not in the Rules, But a Wise Lawyer Would Keep a Client's Files for Six Years

I am having a dispute with my law partner about how long to maintain a client's file. He said the Rules of Professional Conduct require five years. Do you have the answer?

By Samuel C. Stretton

12 minute read

October 13, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Looking to Sit on the Bench? Get Some Experience First

I see there are approximately 22 judicial openings in Philadelphia for the 2017 election process. A number of lawyers, and some with only a few years' experience, are speaking of running for the office. Are there any ethical prohibitions for a young lawyer or a lawyer with only limited experience?

By Samuel C. Stretton

24 minute read

October 06, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Disciplinary Cases are Not Easily Accessible

I want to look up disciplinary cases on a particular subject. What is the best way to do this?

By Samuel C. Stretton

18 minute read

October 04, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Admit Your Mistake and Advise Your Client of His Right to Independent Counsel

It has come to my attention that on a case I handled for a client several years ago, I neglected to provide certain information. I want to correct this. My insurance carrier has advised me to never admit to the client that I made a mistake and to leave it alone. Can I do so?

By Samuel C. Stretton

14 minute read

September 22, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Speaking to a Client During Cross-Examination Could Affect That Client's Credibility

My client was in the middle of cross-examination in a criminal case when he asked to be able to speak to me. Am I allowed to talk to a client under those circumstances?

By Samuel C. Stretton

15 minute read

September 15, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Attorney-Client Privilege Could Be at Risk When You Only Use Email to Communicate

I am a younger lawyer and so I do a great deal of my communication with my clients through email. I have heard people suggest that using email might not be privileged communication. Please give me your thoughts.

By Samuel C. Stretton

12 minute read

September 08, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Look to the Past to Fully Participate in the Present

What are some of the most significant legal history dates in Pennsylvania?

By Samuel C. Stretton

28 minute read

September 01, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

It's Not a Good Idea to Get Too Close to Criminal Defendants

Can I counsel a client how not to be caught in criminal activity?

By Samuel C. Stretton

12 minute read