January 19, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
Client Waivers Are Best Done in WritingTwo separate clients of mine have a conflict. Both have orally consented to waive their consent to any conflict. I sent one a written consent waiver and the client has not signed it. Can I rely on the client's oral consent?
By Samuel C. Stretton
9 minute read
January 13, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lawyers Can Share Fees With NonprofitsI represented a nonprofit that referred a client to me. I received a substantial award for the client. May I give half of my legal fee to the nonprofit?
By Samuel C. Stretton
5 minute read
January 12, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lawyers Can Share Fees With NonprofitsI represented a nonprofit that referred a client to me. I received a substantial award for the client. May I give half of my legal fee to the nonprofit?
By Samuel C. Stretton
5 minute read
January 06, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
There Is No Cap On Hourly Fees, But Lawyers Should Explain Them To ClientsI see great disparity among legal fees on matters where a small firm is representing someone as opposed to a large firm. When is a fee excessive?
By Samuel C. Stretton
6 minute read
January 05, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer
There Is No Cap On Hourly Fees, But Lawyers Should Explain Them To ClientsI see great disparity among legal fees on matters where a small firm is representing someone as opposed to a large firm. When is a fee excessive?
By Samuel C. Stretton
6 minute read
December 30, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lawyers Must Properly Handle Funds Belonging to Disappeared ClientsIn reviewing my escrow account, I noticed I am still holding a very small amount of money paid by a client many years ago as a legal retainer. The client dropped all contact with my office and I have tried numerous times but have been unable to contact him. What can I do with this money?
By Samuel C. Stretton
9 minute read
December 23, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Retired Judges Can Use Leftover Campaign Funds for Certain PurposesI am a judicial officer who is going to retire. I still have my judicial campaign committee open and there is still money in it. Once I retire, can I use that money to contribute to other judicial campaigns and political parties?
By Samuel C. Stretton
5 minute read
December 16, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Alternative Litigation Financing Is Becoming More CommonMy client wants to utilize an alternative litigation financing organization while his case is pending. Although I have recommended against it, the client insists. What ethical issues are involved?
By Samuel C. Stretton
7 minute read
December 09, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Judges Should Not Comment on Jury VerdictsIs it unethical for an appellate judge in an opinion to severely criticize a jury verdict, particularly suggesting the jury condoned misconduct?
By Samuel C. Stretton
7 minute read
December 02, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lawyers Can Be Paid for Criminal Representation from a Client's Personal Injury SettlementI am representing a client on a contingent fee personal injury case, which I believe will have a significant recovery. The client has been arrested in the interim in a criminal case. Can I agree to seek payment out of the recovery in the personal injury case for the criminal representation?
By Samuel C. Stretton
8 minute read
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