July 27, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
A lawyer should notify the court that a juror knows his or her client even when the person is not forthcoming.During the selection process in a criminal case, my client, the defendant told me he knew one of the jurors and wanted her on the panel because he believed she would be sympathetic to his plight. The juror did not answer when questioned whether she knew my client. Do I have an obligation to report to the court and opposing counsel that this juror knows my client?
By Samuel C. Stretton
10 minute read
March 01, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
Ethics ForumQuestions and Answers on Professional Responsibility
By Samuel C. Stretton
6 minute read
April 13, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Associates can stay clear of ethical issues if they agree to disagree with partners.I am an associate working in a law firm. I believe that the partner is violating a Rule of Professional Conduct in the course he is pursuing in a case. The partner strongly disagrees with me. What are my ethical obligations, if any?
By Samuel C. Stretton
7 minute read
August 02, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
Questions & Answers on Professional ResponsibilityI received a DB-7 20-day letter from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel. It is asking for my position. Should I respond or just say nothing?
By Samuel C. Stretton
9 minute read
March 08, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
Ethics ForumQuestions and Answers on Professional Responsibility
By Samuel C. Stretton
7 minute read
December 21, 2009 | The Legal Intelligencer
An Attorney May Not Allow ClientAn attorney may not allow a client to perpetrate a fraud upon the court
By Samuel C. Stretton
6 minute read
August 16, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
Lawyers should not hold clients' estate money in escrow accounts or Interest on Lawyers Trust AccountsI have been handling a number of small estates that were resolved fairly quickly in six months to a year. I have not been opening a separate estate account, but have been keeping the monies in my escrow/IOLTA account. I then make distribution when there is a family settlement agreement or if the court approves it. Am I doing anything wrong?
By By Samuel C. Stretton
6 minute read
January 25, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Witness preparation should only help a person tell the truthQ: I have seen lawyers spend hours preparing clients and witnesses for trial. Many times the facts are not that complicated.
By SamueL C. Stretton
9 minute read
August 30, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
A suspended or disbarred attorney is very limited in what he or she can doI am a suspended lawyer and a law firm has hired me to be their paralegal. My main job is doing the intake with clients, interviewing them about the case, and writing summaries to the managing partner, and then making recommendations to the managing partner as to what to do.
By Samuel C. Stretton
8 minute read
January 18, 2011 | The Legal Intelligencer
If a fee bill remains unpaid, a lawyer should withdraw from the case.There is no doubt that getting paid is becoming more difficult. One of the most frustrating things in practicing law is to do a good job for a client, spend a lot of time on a case and never have the courtesy of payment. All those frequent calls when the client needed the lawyer never appear again when the lawyer calls asking for payment.
By Samuel C. Stretton
8 minute read
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