Sara Randazzo

Sara Randazzo

May 09, 2012 | The American Lawyer

Bed Bath & Beyond Shells out Half a Billion for Cost Plus

The two retail chains turned to familiar firms—Proskauer Rose and Skadden—to advise them on the proposed acquisition.

By Sara Randazzo

2 minute read

April 11, 2012 |

Kelley Drye Settlement with EEOC Provides A Cautionary Tale For Firms

By Sara Randazzo

1 minute read

March 21, 2012 | The American Lawyer

Real Estate Roundup: Chadbourne Not a Lock for 1 WTC After All

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read

March 29, 2012 | The American Lawyer

Dewey Antitrust Partner Heads to Arent Fox as 2012 Partner Losses Near 40

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read

April 20, 2012 | The American Lawyer

Incoming Dewey Associates in Limbo as Firm Weighs Restructuring Options

Law students who spent last summer at Dewey & LeBoeuf and expected to begin working there this fall, as well as those who planned to spend the summer of 2012 at Dewey, are among those with a keen interest in the embattled firm's fate.

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read

July 19, 2012 |

Proposed Settlement with Dewey Partners on Hold

Citing widely held concerns among former Dewey & LeBoeuf partners, the bankrupt law firm's chief restructuring officer said in an e-mail sent to partners Thursday that the deadline for agreeing to a proposed $103.6 million settlement has been bumped two weeks and that revisions to the plan will be announced next week.

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read

May 17, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Dewey Partners Requested to Preserve Data for Probe

Partners were asked to save documents relating to guaranteed payments; partner compensation; capital or other contributions; borrowing or other forms of indebtedness; meetings of the executive committee or office of the chairman; and financial statements, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be identified.

By Christine Simmons and Sara Randazzo

2 minute read

April 17, 2012 | The American Lawyer

ABA Panel Abandons Nonlawyer Ownership Proposal

In the latest blow to those who want to shake up the way U.S. law firms are funded and managed, an American Bar Association panel says it is no longer considering a rule change that would allow a broad group of law firm employees to take stakes in their employers.

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read

April 19, 2012 |

As Partner Losses Near 70, Dewey's Troubles Spread Overseas

By Sara Randazzo

1 minute read

August 31, 2012 |

Ex-Fisher & Phillips Secretary Alleges Pregnancy Led to Firing

The firm, which specializes in protecting companies in labor and employment matters, finds itself the target of an employment-related grievance filed by one of its former employees.

By Sara Randazzo

3 minute read