Saranac Hale Spencer

Saranac Hale Spencer

April 14, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Feds Can't Quash Depositions With Privilege in Qui Tam Case

Prosecutors can't use attorney-client or work-product privilege as a sweeping bar to keep a Pittsburgh-based for-profit education company from deposing officials in the complex discovery of a multibillion-dollar qui tam case, a federal judge has ruled.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 14, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Third Circuit Decision Narrows Venue For Cybercrimes, Reverses Conviction

The ubiquity of the Internet doesn't confer the same ubiquity to venue, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled, reversing Andrew Auernheimer's cybercrime conviction from the District of New Jersey.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 10, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Merrill Lynch Arbitration Award, Plus Attorney Fees, Stands

A former employee of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith will have to pay the securities brokerage firm over $200,000, plus interest, now that a federal judge has upheld an arbitration award.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 09, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

U.S. Attorney General Won't Join Gay-Marriage Case

A challenge to both the state and federal law governing same-sex marriage should be decided without reaching the federal Defense of Marriage Act, the U.S. Attorney General's Office said in a statement of interest declining to intervene.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 08, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Pfizer Seeks to Winnow Experts in Zoloft MDL

Both sides in the Zoloft MDL focused on the testimony of plaintiffs expert Dr. Anick Berard and her assertions that Zoloft causes birth defects as the Daubert hearing got started Monday.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 08, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Witold Walczak: The Power of Persuasion And Principle

Ninety percent of the ACLU's cases are brought in federal court, Witold Walczak estimated, but he pushed to file one of the biggest to come up in recent years in Pennsylvania state court.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

6 minute read

April 04, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Krause, Third Circuit Nominee, Gets Through Committee

Cheryl Ann Krause, President Obama's nominee for a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, cleared a hurdle Thursday on her way to the bench.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

2 minute read

April 04, 2014 |

Technical Expert Appointed in Comcast-Sprint Dispute

Following a five-day Markman hearing in a complex patent dispute between Comcast and Sprint, the federal judge presiding over the case decided to take the uncommon step of appointing a technical adviser.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 04, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Third Circuit Reverses District Judge on Medicare Reimbursements

The Medicare program isn't required to reimburse Pennsylvania hospitals for services to patients deemed needy under a state formula, only for those who qualify for aid under the federal formula, the Third Circuit has ruled in a reversal of the district court.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read

April 02, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Carnegie Mellon's Patent Verdict Increased to $1.5 Billion

A federal judge has ruled the $1.2 billion verdict Carnegie Mellon University won in a dispute over technological patents should be bumped up to $1.5 billion.

By Saranac Hale Spencer

5 minute read