Shari Klevens

Shari Klevens

April 26, 2017 | The Recorder

Remedying Inadvertent Disclosures With Clawback Agreements

With the Federal Rules of Evidence (and Procedure), attorneys can protect themselves from the risk of an inadvertent disclosure. Being proactive by utilizing clawback agreements early in discovery is a significant, valuable step. Using these protocols can limit the damage if and when an inadvertent disclosure occurs.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

April 26, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

FDCPA Ban on Deceptive Collections Practices Extends to Conduct by Lawyers in Court

The Federal Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA"), which bans deceptive and abusive debt collection practices, is often viewed as a regulation targeting only debt collection agencies. However, a recent ruling in the Eleventh Circuit clarifies that an attorney's conduct in court may also violate the Act.

By Shari Klevens and Randy Evans

13 minute read

April 25, 2017 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Litigating Debt Collections May Subject You to Liability

Enacted in 1977 as an amendment to the Consumer Credit Protection Act, the FDCPA bans a "debt collector" from engaging in deceptive and abusive debt collection practices.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

13 minute read

April 19, 2017 | The Recorder

5 Tips When Facing Malpractice Insurance Nonrenewal

Review some suggestions for steps to take when your firm's legal malpractice insurance is not renewed.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

April 11, 2017 | The Recorder

Modernizing a Law Firm

Upgrades in technology have undoubtedly changed the practice of law. Here are a few considerations that can help identify how law firms can use modern trends to reduce risk.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read

April 04, 2017 | The Recorder

5 Tips for Replacement Counsel to Avoid Trouble

Sometimes a representation does not go according to plan. Clients may be dissatisfied with the direction a litigation is going or perhaps disagree with a legal strategy employed by counsel.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

March 29, 2017 | The Recorder

5 Tips for Fee Agreement ADR Clauses

Keep these five things in mind when including or enforcing an ADR provision in a fee agreement.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

10 minute read

March 27, 2017 | The Recorder

How to Address Attorney Misconduct

Given the demands and stresses of practicing law, substance abuse and depression are unfortunately an all-too-common occurrence among attorneys. When an attorney is impaired by disease or personal matters, it can be very uncomfortable for other attorneys at a law practice to decide how to handle the situation, especially when there is serious misconduct such as theft or other dishonest actions.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

March 15, 2017 | The Recorder

Three Steps to Help in Handling Mistakes

While attorneys may be vigilant and detail-oriented by nature, they are still human. Accordingly, mistakes can happen in the course of an attorney-client representation, even when attorneys take steps to reduce their risk overall.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read

March 07, 2017 | The Recorder

Considerations When Changing Law Firms

The new normal in the legal market is constant lateral movement by attorneys from one law firm to another. The competition among law firms is fierce, and attorneys and entire practice groups are sometimes wooed by other firms promising greener pastures.

By Randy Evans and Shari Klevens

11 minute read