January 12, 2021 | National Law Journal
Credibility Crisis: 'Dark Money' Influence Could Soon Become a Constitutional RightThe nation faces a dark money crisis as anonymous influence spreads malicious disinformation and corrupts and disrupts our politics. And now a case coming before the court could lock in dark money influence as a constitutional right.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
5 minute read
March 03, 2020 | National Law Journal
Are We on the Cusp of Crippling the CFPB?Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse argues that an anti-regulatory money machine is to blame.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
6 minute read
January 31, 2020 | National Law Journal
Impeachment: What Trump's Missing Witnesses SayWe have a party, in a trial, who controls the witnesses who know his true conduct, and that party is using that control to block important witnesses from testifying. Our legal system saw this problem coming.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
5 minute read
July 24, 2019 | National Law Journal
Why the 'Knick' Ruling Signals a New DayThe Roberts Five have become virtual delivery boys for big Republican donor interests.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
5 minute read
July 01, 2019 | National Law Journal
'Knick'-Picking: Why a Recent SCOTUS Ruling Signals a New DayThe 5-4 decision emanating from a land dispute is a gift for big-money developers and regulated industries.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
5 minute read
February 19, 2019 | New York Law Journal
Sen. Whitehouse: There's a 'Crisis of Credibility' at the U.S. Supreme CourtThere are 79 5-4 decisions with no Democratic appointee joining the majority since Roberts became chief justice; and 73 of them implicate issues important to powerful Republican political interests.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
6 minute read
February 15, 2019 | National Law Journal
Sen. Whitehouse: There's a 'Crisis of Credibility' at the U.S. Supreme CourtThe Roberts Court has shown an "undeniable pattern of political allegiance," the U.S. senator from Rhode Island says.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
6 minute read
October 31, 2016 | National Law Journal
Sen. Whitehouse: Comey Violated Important Principle by Disclosing Emails Investigation to Congress"If you can't make your case, as a prosecutor you shut up and move on," says the former Rhode Island attorney general and U.S. attorney.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
8 minute read
August 29, 2016 | National Law Journal
Sen. Whitehouse: Standoff Over a House Panel's Subpoenas Raises Key IssueOPINION: State AGs might argue that subpoenas are issued on behalf of private interests.
By Sheldon Whitehouse
9 minute read
March 08, 2016 | National Law Journal
The Supreme Court's Blind Spot: Understanding How Democracies FunctionIn the wake of Justice Antonin Scalia's death, politicians, pundits and court watchers all recognize that an ideological shift on the Supreme Court could be in the works. One consequential shift may come if the president nominates a person with a background in elected politics who has first-hand experience with campaign ads, fundraising and constituent accountability.
By Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse
4 minute read