Special To The Daily Report

Special To The Daily Report

June 23, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Thomas G. Sampson

Born in 1949, Thomas G. Sampson grew up in Durham, North Carolina, as the struggle to dismantle Jim Crow gained steam.

By Ann Woolner | Special to the Daily Report

5 minute read

June 21, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Once-Common Words Can Now Be Offensive

Certain words not only can shock and offend, but also carry the power to engender prejudice and divisiveness when spoken. Leah Ward Sears lists some common words and phrases she's recently heard lawyers use that everyone should be wary of using.

By Leah Ward Sears | Special to the Daily Report

16 minute read

June 13, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Assuring Peace of Mind for a Mother and Child

Attorney Charles Wardlaw writes: When I first met Stacy, she told me the father of their 1-year-old daughter had threatened to end the child's life. He told her if she made him pay child support, it would be the worst thing she ever did.

By Charles Wardlaw | Special to the Daily Report

5 minute read

June 10, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Technological Advances Help to Resolve Disputes

The modern lawyer has a very different lexicon from her predecessors, and an entirely new array of tools for practicing law and managing the practice of law. This is the era of the Internet of Things, where Big Data is increasingly important, and predictive analysis is a tool used across virtually every industry and within virtually every major law firm.

By Kimberly Taylor | Special to the Daily Report

4 minute read

June 09, 2016 | Daily Report Online

What Georgia Employers Should Know About New Overtime Rule

On Dec. 1, 2016, a Final Rule will take effect that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) estimates will "extend overtime protections to 4.2 million workers within the first year of its implementation." The rule extends overtime protections to additional workers by more than doubling the minimum salary a worker must receive to be considered exempt from overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

By Lee Schreter | Special to the Daily Report

5 minute read

June 07, 2016 | Daily Report Online

'The Psychics' Continue Tradition of Those Who Came Before

This is the last of six profiles of the bands competing in LawJam 2016: Rock the Cash Bar. The event, a benefit sponsored by the Atlanta Bar Foundation, will be held Friday, June 10, at the Buckhead Theatre, 3110 Roswell Road N.E., Atlanta.

By Barry Selvidge | Special to the Daily Report

5 minute read

May 13, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Savannah Attorney Gets Real Benefits From Fantasy Games

When Rebecca Sczepanski is not practicing law at Hunter Maclean Exley & Dunn in Savannah, she can often be found fantasy role-playing at a local pub. The employee benefits and executive compensation specialist has been hooked on role-playing games for six years.

By John Carroll | Special to the Daily Report

10 minute read

April 21, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Bitcoin: The Next Electronic Payment Revolution for Law Firms

Cash may always be king, but it has become a rare form of payment in business transactions. As of 2009, decentralized cryptocurrency is the new kid on the block, giving rise to the next revolution.

By Coleman W. Watson | Special to the Daily Report

8 minute read

April 15, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Atlanta Federal Prosecutor Is Remembered as a 'Legend'

Gale McKenzie was a legend in the office. She served here for more than 40 years, from 1972 to 2013, and I can truly say that she loved this place and loved being a federal prosecutor.

By Randy S. Chartash | Special to the Daily Report

4 minute read

April 14, 2016 | Daily Report Online

Teaching Law in Moldova, Lawyer Appreciates Rule of Law Here

I had the opportunity last month to teach law students at six universities across Moldova, a former Soviet republic located between Romania and Ukraine.

By Briant Mildenhall | Special to the Daily Report

11 minute read