Steven A Meyerowitz Esq

Steven A Meyerowitz Esq

November 06, 2018 | Texas Lawyer

Fifth Circuit's Broad Reading Of “Contracted Persons” Exclusion Dooms Insurance Coverage Of Lawsuit Against Insured

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

6 minute read

November 01, 2018 | Texas Lawyer

Here's One Way Texas Insureds May Be Able to Draft Coverage Complaints to Block Removal to Federal Court

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

4 minute read

October 30, 2018 | The Recorder

Court of Appeal: Auto Insurer Did Not Have To See If Driver Was Licensed Before Issuing Policy

The Court of Appeal ruled an insurer could not be held “liable in tort to a third party” if it insured a driver who was unlicensed.

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

4 minute read

October 29, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Court Applies Florida Supreme Court Decision From 1985, Not 2014, In Insurance Dispute Over “Failure To Cooperate” Defense

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals. Visit…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

5 minute read

October 23, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Jury, Not Trial Court, Had To Determine Whether Insured Met Post-Loss Obligations, Florida Appeals Court Says

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

6 minute read

October 23, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Agent Defeats School District's Negligence Suit When Court Finds District Didn't Specify If Insurance Should Be Primary Or Excess

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

5 minute read

October 18, 2018 | The Recorder

Life Insurance Policy Did Not Lapse When Disabled Woman Failed To Pay Premiums, California Appeals Court Rules

The Second District Court of Appeal this week reversed a trial court's decision in favor of Farmers Insurance.

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

7 minute read

October 10, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Injured Plaintiff Was Subject to Limit in Domestic Partner's Insurance Policy Even Though They Were Not Married

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

4 minute read

August 24, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Appeals Court Upholds 2.0 Contingency Fee Multiplier in Insurance Coverage Case Against Citizens Property

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

6 minute read

August 08, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Insurer's Appeal 159 Days After Award Was Timely, Despite 45 Day Deadline

This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals.…

By Steven A. Meyerowitz, Esq., Director, FC&S Legal

6 minute read