Sue Reisinger

Sue Reisinger

Senior reporter at ALM since 2004; based in Florida; covers general counsel and white collar crime; contact: [email protected]

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February 27, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

SeaWorld's Legal Expenses Led to $24M Fourth Quarter Loss

SeaWorld's sales and attendance were at record levels, but the company said legal costs led to a fourth quarter loss of $24.2 million. The costs stem from a class action settlement of a suit related to a film about Tilikum the whale.

By Sue Reisinger

2 minute read

February 26, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Securities Class Actions Hitting Pharma Hardest

"That suggests a real trend here. No longer can we say half of all settlements are less than $10 million, and that can be a concern to general counsel."

By Sue Reisinger

5 minute read

February 24, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

In Google Antitrust Discovery, A Small Victory for In-House Counsel

A former Microsoft in-house counsel has won a small victory for any in-house lawyers who someday may want to use their expertise as outside consultants.

By Sue Reisinger

3 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Wells Fargo Agrees to $3B Penalty to Resolve Fake Bank Account Scandal

Bank CEO Charles Scharf: "The conduct ... and the past culture that gave rise to it are reprehensible and wholly inconsistent with the values on which Wells Fargo was built."

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

February 21, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

After Alleged Bribe Wins Contract, Loser Fights Back With RICO Suit

If it succeeds, the case could pave the way for similar racketeering suits by other companies against their competitors over criminal behavior.

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

February 20, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Legal Department Leak Leads to Insider Trading Charges Against AIG Employee

In two separate, unrelated complaints the SEC is cracking down on misconduct in the legal department and the compliance world.

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

February 13, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Alphabet, HP, Cisco and Tesla in Top 10 of 'Cleanest' Global Companies

The Carbon Clean 200 ranks publicly traded companies that are leading the way on clean energy issues in the first quarter of 2020 and offers several key takeaways for general counsel and their companies.

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

February 12, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

General Counsel Pondering How to Handle China's Force Majeure Claims

Experts told Corporate Counsel on Wednesday that outside companies and their general counsel have three options: grant the exemption, fight the exemption in court, or try to negotiate a compromise.

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

February 11, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Handling Rapid Trade Law Changes a Roller Coaster Ride for This In-House Counsel

"It's dynamic and very exciting," Susan Jackson of Novelis told Corporate Counsel. "Things can change in a moment from one tweet."

By Sue Reisinger

5 minute read

February 10, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

In-House Compliance Counsel Leading Push for More Guidance From Regulators

A new report from the New York City Bar Association on the increased number of enforcement actions against individual chief compliance officers was sparked by the growing concerns of in-house counsel.

By Sue Reisinger

4 minute read

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