Tasha Norman

Tasha Norman

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November 21, 2019 |

My Weekday Workout: Kilpatrick Townsend's Gwendolyn Payton

This busy litigator makes time to teach yoga to inmates at a local county jail.

By Tasha Norman

4 minute read

November 14, 2019 |

How I Made Partner: DLA Piper's Amanda Fitzsimmons

"Don't let your career happen to you. You should develop your career with intention."

By Tasha Norman

5 minute read

November 08, 2019 |

How Legal Outreach in New York Serves Students in the 'Forgotten Middle'

The organization provides an invaluable service to an underserved New York City community: young people with a passion, a dream and not enough opportunity.

By Tasha Norman

5 minute read

November 07, 2019 |

My Weekday Workout: Mintz Levin's Brandon Barker

"I have found more motivation and satisfaction in longer outdoor workouts, so I look for ways to be in open spaces."

By Tasha Norman

3 minute read

October 31, 2019 |

How I Made Partner: Foley Hoag's Adrienne Ellman

"Since becoming partner, I spend much less time being reactive and a lot more time being proactive."

By Tasha Norman

5 minute read

October 24, 2019 |

How I Made Partner: Cravath's Allison Wein

"Spend the time investing in becoming an expert in your subject matter, keep up with the industry and show through your hard work that you're hungry, resilient and a team player."

By Tasha Norman

5 minute read

October 23, 2019 |

My Weekday Workout: Norris McLaughlin's Deanna Koestel

"It makes me feel empowered, centered and resilient."

By Tasha Norman

3 minute read

October 17, 2019 |

How I Made Partner: Goodwin Procter's Lily Wound

"Starting the Young Women in Bio chapter in the Metro New York area and then moving on to grow Young Women in Bio to the national organization took a lot more guts and confidence than I thought I had at the time. There is no question that these experiences have helped me to become a partner, and more importantly instilled a confidence in myself that I could be a partner."

By Tasha Norman

8 minute read

October 15, 2019 |

My Weekday Workout: McCarter & English's Michael Kelly

"I am very fortunate to have survived a very aggressive cancer, stage 3b gallbladder cancer. I have no choice but to do my best to stay in shape."

By Tasha Norman

2 minute read

October 10, 2019 |

How I Made Partner: Davis Polk's Vanessa Jackson

"I always encourage associates to know their strengths, but to not shy away from their weaknesses. Seek feedback from the partners and senior associates you work with and use their insights to identify and resolve any holes in your professional repertoire."

By Tasha Norman

6 minute read