July 28, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Practice Group Chair: 'Spend a Lot of Time in Listening Mode,' Says Cullen Drescher Speckhart of CooleyMy goal is for every woman in law practice to feel the same way I do, which is the freedom to be feminine, the right to be celebrated, and the joy of working alongside an entire community of allies that is comprised of every gender, ethnicity, and creed.
By Tasha Norman
6 minute read
July 27, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made In-House Counsel: 'Be a Good Listener and Keep an Open Mind,' Says Seslee Smith of Morris, Manning & MartinDon't crucify yourself every day. You don't need to be perfect. Just try to be the most fearless self you can be and not let self-doubt hold you back.
By Tasha Norman
5 minute read
July 27, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Practice Group Co-Chair: 'My DOJ Experience and Helping to Expand Key Practices,' Says James Koukios of Morrison & FoersterHard work is more likely to bring rewards if you have a clear direction, and you have to act intentionally to follow that direction.
By Tasha Norman
5 minute read
July 26, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Partner: 'Be Vocal and Express Your Interest in Making Partner Early,' Says Patricia Brum of Snell & WilmerTalk to your mentors and office leadership about your desire to make partner. Listen and implement their suggestions.
By Tasha Norman
8 minute read
July 26, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Partner: 'My Client Service Focus and Team-Oriented Nature,' Says Noah Kressler of Baker DonelsonThe key to business development, for me, is to always wow the client. That means ultimately focusing on doing great work for them, but also working hard to be their trusted adviser.
By Tasha Norman
6 minute read
July 22, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Practice Group Chair: 'Making Connections With the Right People,' Says George Chaclas of Day Pitney"You need to be in the trenches with your clients and understand what makes them excited. If you can do that while exceeding expectations, strong lasting relationships can be formed."
By Tasha Norman
4 minute read
July 21, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Partner: 'I Developed "Partner" Skills,' Says Sabrina Wang of Knobbe MartensKnowing how to promote yourself is just as important as doing all the great work.
By Tasha Norman
8 minute read
July 20, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Practice Group Chair: 'Make Your Clients Happy Today and Also Plan for the Future,' Says Barbara Grayson of Willkie Farr & Gallagher"Aim for composed brilliance, always be trustworthy and make sure your advice is aligned with your client's strategic goals."
By Tasha Norman
5 minute read
July 19, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made It to Firm Leadership: 'Focus on the Big Picture and Proactive Planning,' Says Alison Grounds of Troutman Pepper eMergeTake the initiative to address an unmet need – for the firm, your practice group, your office, your peer group – whatever that may be
By Tasha Norman
10 minute read
July 18, 2022 | Law.com
How I Made Partner: 'I Reached a Point Where I Could Contribute to the Firm's Business,' Says Cali Cope-Kasten of Wilkinson StekloffTo make partner, you don't have to be the person with tons of connections or who brings in a big client or who is the loudest voice in the room. You do need to be someone that clients and partners feel they can trust to exercise terrific judgment at all times.
By Tasha Norman
9 minute read