The Legal Staff

The Legal Staff

June 27, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Municipal Court Reveals User-Friendly Renovations

A cleaner, more user-friendly civil division of Philadelphia Municipal Court was revealed yesterday at a grand opening celebration attended by the elite of the city's bench and the Philadelphia Bar Association.

By Danielle N. RodierOf the Legal Staff

4 minute read

October 11, 2002 | The Legal Intelligencer

Thoroughbreds Stir Up Passions in Philly Attorney

After hitting pay dirt with his first two horses, Pelino Lentz shareholder Salvatore DeBunda was hooked on thoroughbred racing.

By Jennifer Batchelor Of the Legal Staff

4 minute read

June 26, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Firm Must Hand Over Files in Class Dispute

For purposes of determining whether a putative class representative is plagued by a conflict of interest, two defendant insurance companies opposing class certification were entitled to law firm documents that would establish whether the firm had represented the plaintiffs in the matter, the Superior Court has ruled.

By Jennifer BatchelorOf the Legal Staff

6 minute read

July 08, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Darkness at Dawn:

Several of Philadelphia's busiest and most well-known law firms felt the brunt of an electrical power outage yesterday at One Liberty Place, as lawyers and staff scrambled to find suitable places to work on deadline projects and technology staffers fretted about the effects on telephone service and computer networks. But the majority of employees at One Liberty's law firms returned from a long July 4 weekend only to find out that they would have an extra day off.

By Jeff BlumenthalOf the Legal Staff

5 minute read

June 11, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

House Passes Bill That Would Cap Damages in Most Tort Lawsuits

Measure Starts Long Process

By Jeff Blumenthaland John F. ManserOf the Legal Staff

5 minute read

July 09, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Court Rules Lack of Finality Quashes Appeal

A Philadelphia Common Pleas Court judge erred by allowing the appeal of an order dismissing a plaintiff's claims because the order did not resolve litigation of all claims and all parties in the case and was, therefore, not final, the Superior Court has ruled.

By Danielle N. RodierOf the Legal Staff

6 minute read

July 23, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

Commonwealth Court Declines to Label Montco Child 'Gifted'

A Commonwealth Court panel has ruled against a Montgomery County couple who filed a lawsuit after the local school district refused to identify their 6-year-old as gifted.

By Asher Hawkins Of the Legal Staff

4 minute read

July 08, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Benefit Summary May Obligate Employer

Plaintiffs may assert a claim for retirement plan benefits under ERISA when the summary plan description provided by their employer conflicts with a complete plan description, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled.

By Of the Legal Staff

7 minute read

April 18, 2008 |

Duane Morris Grows Revenue 11.4 Percent, PPP Reaches $800K

Duane Morris was looking and thinking nationally in 2007 with a strategy that focused less locally and more on high-end markets.

By Gina Passarella Of the Legal Staff

8 minute read

August 03, 2007 | The Legal Intelligencer

Fox Rothschild Still on Merger Tear

There's no way to know if Fox Rothschild's management team believes in lucky sevens, but there's little doubt it's committed to mergers: The firm announced its seventh since 2005.

By Hank Grezlak Of the Legal Staff

5 minute read