February 08, 2016 | National Law Journal
MoloLamkenMoloLamken is a boutique with big bandwith.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
February 03, 2016 | Supreme Court Brief
Sotomayor Tops Justices For Number of Public AppearancesU.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has logged 53 public appearances in the past two terms—more than any other justice, according to a website that tracks justices' speaking engagements.
By Tony Mauro
5 minute read
February 01, 2016 | Law.com
Future Unclear for 'Oyez,' Source for Supreme Court Audio HistoryThe Oyez Project, a widely used resource for the audio of U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments and other information about the court, is facing an uncertain future. With founder Jerry Goldman planning to retire in May, and its arrangement with Chicago-Kent College of Law set to expire, Goldman said he worries the site may wither away or shut down later this year. "The human side of the institution, the sense of the men and women who sit on the bench—their voices would be silenced," said Goldman, 70.
By Tony Mauro
15 minute read
February 01, 2016 | The American Lawyer
The Right to an Abortion Was Crucial for Them, Attorneys SayIn a reproductive freedom case, more than 100 women lawyers tell the Supreme Court about why each decided to terminate a pregnancy.
By Tony Mauro
3 minute read
February 01, 2016 | The American Lawyer
The Right to an Abortion Was Crucial for Them, Attorneys SayIn a reproductive freedom case, more than 100 women lawyers tell the Supreme Court about why each decided to terminate a pregnancy.
By Tony Mauro
3 minute read
January 27, 2016 | National Law Journal
Justice Barack Obama? Not LikelyWhen presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was asked on the campaign trail if she would consider appointing Barack Obama to the U.S. Supreme Court if she succeeds him as president, her answer seemed unscripted. "Nobody has ever suggested that to me. Wow. I love that!" she said in Iowa. Whether Obama would love it too is uncertain—and his chances of being confirmed by a Republican-dominated U.S. Senate would also be difficult to predict.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
January 25, 2016 | Supreme Court Brief
Energy Agency Hits 'Sweet Spot' in Electricity Regs, High Court SaysThe Obama administration's regulatory effort to reduce electricity use during times of peak demand won broad support from the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
January 25, 2016 | Law.com
Justices Decline Sweeping Review of Capital PunishmentThe U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to take up one of a new wave of cases that directly ask the justices to declare that capital punishment is unconstitutional. Without comment, the court denied certiorari in Walter v. Pennsylvania, an appeal by Shonda Walter of her death sentence for killing an 83-year-old Pennsylvania man in 2003.
By Tony Mauro
3 minute read
January 20, 2016 | Supreme Court Brief
Supreme Court Rules For Class Action PlaintiffsSo far, so good for the plaintiffs' bar in the latest batch of class action cases the U.S. Supreme Court is considering this term.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
January 20, 2016 | Supreme Court Brief
Supreme Court Rules For Class Action PlaintiffsSo far, so good for the plaintiffs' bar in the latest batch of class action cases the U.S. Supreme Court is considering this term.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
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