August 12, 2015 | Supreme Court Brief
Novel Explores Supreme Court Clerks' Conflicting AllegiancesWhen Kermit Roosevelt clerked for U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter in 1999, he says, his loyalties were to the justice, the court and the law—in that order.
By Tony Mauro
5 minute read
August 11, 2015 | National Law Journal
Chastened Ex-Blogger Urges Other Judges to Use Social MediaA month after U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf of Nebraska abruptly shut down his controversial Hercules and the umpire blog, he still believes federal judges and even Supreme Court justices would do “far more good than harm” if they publicly blogged and tweeted.
By Tony Mauro
9 minute read
August 11, 2015 | National Law Journal
Chastened Ex-Blogger Urges Other Judges to Use Social MediaA month after U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf of Nebraska abruptly shut down his controversial Hercules and the umpire blog, he still believes federal judges and even Supreme Court justices would do “far more good than harm” if they publicly blogged and tweeted.
By Tony Mauro
9 minute read
August 11, 2015 | National Law Journal
Kopf Urges Judges to Blog, TweetA month after U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf of Nebraska abruptly shut down his controversial Hercules and the umpire blog, he still believes federal judges and even Supreme Court justices would do "far more good than harm" if they publicly blogged and tweeted.
By Tony Mauro
9 minute read
August 10, 2015 | National Law Journal
Kopf Urges Judges to Blog, TweetA month after U.S. District Judge Richard Kopf of Nebraska abruptly shut down his controversial Hercules and the umpire blog, he still believes federal judges and even Supreme Court justices would do "far more good than harm" if they publicly blogged and tweeted.
By Tony Mauro
9 minute read
August 10, 2015 | National Law Journal
High Court 'Kodak' MomentsNewly published research in the latest Judicature magazine has revealed that more secret photos were taken inside the Supreme Court than previously known.
By Tony Mauro
11 minute read
August 09, 2015 | National Law Journal
High Court 'Kodak' MomentsNewly published research in the latest Judicature magazine has revealed that more secret photos were taken inside the Supreme Court than previously known.
By Tony Mauro
5 minute read
August 07, 2015 | National Law Journal
Wife of Justice John Paul Stevens Dies at 84Maryan Mulholland Stevens, the wife of retired U.S. Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens, died Friday morning at the age of 84.
By Tony Mauro
1 minute read
August 07, 2015 | National Law Journal
Hourly Rates for Top Supreme Court Advocates Revealed in Fee FilingRecent filings in an attorney fee request in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit lift the veil on the four-figure hourly rates charged by top advocates before the U.S. Supreme Court. Thomas Goldstein of Washington's Goldstein & Russell is seeking nearly $306,000 in fees for winning a key Fourth Amendment case. The amount is based in part on Goldstein's $1,100 hourly fee, plus $750 for partner Kevin Russell and $600 for partner Tejinder Singh.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
August 07, 2015 | National Law Journal
Wife of Justice John Paul Stevens Dies at 84Maryan Mulholland Stevens, the wife of retired U.S. Supreme Court justice John Paul Stevens, died Friday morning at the age of 84.
By Tony Mauro
1 minute read
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