June 11, 2018 | Daily Report Online
Atlanta Braves Cases Are Apparently Off Chief Justice Roberts' DocketTwo U.S. Supreme Court orders on Monday—one involving Justice Anthony Kennedy and the other Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.—show why recusals matter.
By Tony Mauro
1 minute read
June 11, 2018 | National Law Journal
Two Surprise Supreme Court Orders Show Why Recusals MatterTwo U.S. Supreme Court orders on Monday—one involving Justice Anthony Kennedy and the other Chief Justice John Roberts Jr.—show why recusals matter.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
June 11, 2018 | National Law Journal
Justices, Sharply Divided, Say Ohio's Voter Registration Purges Are Lawful"The dissents have a policy disagreement, not just with Ohio, but with Congress. But this case presents a question of statutory interpretation, not a question of policy," Justice Samuel Alito Jr. wrote for the 5-4 majority. In dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote: "Communities that are disproportionately affected by unnecessarily harsh registration laws should not tolerate efforts to marginalize their influence in the political process."
By Marcia Coyle | Tony Mauro
2 minute read
June 08, 2018 | National Law Journal
Meet the Justice Department Team That Won't Defend the Affordable Care ActThree career U.S. Justice Department lawyers withdrew their names on a brief the government filed in Texas abandoning the defense of the Affordable Care Act. So who are the DOJ lawyers pressing the government's claims? Meet the legal team.
By Mike Scarcella | Tony Mauro
3 minute read
June 07, 2018 | National Law Journal
Breaking Streak, SCOTUS Appoints Advocate Outside Ranks of Former ClerksThe court recently announced that Atlanta solo Amy Weil was “invited to brief and argue” as amicus curiae in favor of an appeals court decision that neither side supports anymore.
By Tony Mauro
2 minute read
June 06, 2018 | Supreme Court Brief
What's the 'Masterpiece' Precedent? | Lessons from Thurgood Marshall | Plus: Breyer Backs Clerkship PlanWhat's the scope of the "narrow" ruling in Masterpiece? Plus: Ross Davies offers some lessons in lawyering drawn from the great storyteller Thurgood Marshall. Thanks for reading SCB!
By Tony Mauro | Marcia Coyle
2 minute read
June 04, 2018 | National Law Journal
Judiciary's Proposed Reforms Confront 'Power Disparities' Between Judges, EmployeesMisconduct in the federal courts is more than "isolated," a judiciary working group reports. “Of the inappropriate behavior that does occur, incivility, disrespect, or crude behavior are more common than sexual harassment,” the report, released Monday, stated.
By Tony Mauro | Marcia Coyle
5 minute read
June 04, 2018 | National Law Journal
Justices Rule for Colorado Baker Who Refused to Make a Cake for Gay Wedding"Whatever the confluence of speech and free exercise principles might be in some cases, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission's consideration of this case was inconsistent with the state's obligation of religious neutrality," Kennedy wrote for the 7-2 court.
By Marcia Coyle | Tony Mauro
6 minute read
May 28, 2018 | Litigation Daily
Litigator of the Week: For Paul Clement, Jumping into a SCOTUS Case at the Last Minute is “What We Do”The former George W. Bush-era solicitor general prides himself and his appellate team at Kirkland & Ellis on being able to climb aboard fast-moving Supreme Court cases at the last minute.
By Tony Mauro
4 minute read
May 25, 2018 | National Law Journal
From Convict to Counsel: Clearing the Hurdles to PracticeA group of law students, professors and formerly incarcerated attorneys say it's time to rethink the character and fitness review process.
By Karen Sloan and Tony Mauro
11 minute read
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