Victoria Hudgins

Victoria Hudgins

I am a reporter for Legaltech News where I cover data privacy, cybersecurity and technology's impact on the business and practice of law.

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April 19, 2021 | Legaltech News

4 Tech Questions Legal Departments Should Ask Outside Counsel on RFPs

From asking upfront about AI's usage to requesting benchmarks to back up efficiency claims, in-house legal department consultants disclose the questions every in-house team should ask prospective outside counsel.

By Victoria Hudgins

4 minute read

April 16, 2021 | Legaltech News

In-House Attorneys Struggle to Differentiate Providers in Crowded CLM Software Market

While legal departments welcome the variety of options in the contract lifecycle management (CLM) market, they're less than pleased with providers' marketing or the software implementation process.

By Victoria Hudgins

4 minute read

April 15, 2021 | Legaltech News

Legal Tech Standardization Isn't Gaining Traction. Will an Universal API Change That?

Even with a standardization effort launched with buy-in from Big Law and corporations, the Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry (SALI) alliance hasn't gained much ground. But it's betting a new API project, and growing client demands, will push legal tech vendors to address interoperability gaps.

By Victoria Hudgins

3 minute read

April 13, 2021 | Legaltech News

Why Discovery Data Transfers May Face Additional Regulatory Scrutiny

Though case law on data transfers is fairly consistent, evolving data privacy regulations, including those impacted by Schrems II, may introduce additional complications, according to a Legalweek(year) panel.

By Victoria Hudgins

3 minute read

April 13, 2021 | Legaltech News

Clients Want Innovative Firms. So Why Aren't They Hiring Them?

Despite corporate clients wanting innovative and efficient outside counsel, limited tech acumen and lackluster tech pitches keeps many such firms from winning work.

By Victoria Hudgins

4 minute read

April 12, 2021 | Legaltech News

From Baker McKenzie to LexFusion: Why Casey Flaherty Is Betting on Legal Tech Curation

LexFusion's chief strategy officer Casey Flaherty reveals why he left Big Law and how legal tech's lack of interoperability isn't its only major issue.

By Victoria Hudgins

6 minute read

April 09, 2021 | Legaltech News

Plaintiffs Social Media ESI Is Increasingly Discoverable. Will It Chill Meritless Filings?

While battles for plaintiff's social media electronically stored information (ESI) are fast becoming the norm, it's an open question whether they'll have an impact beyond straining current e-discovery capabilities.

By Victoria Hudgins

4 minute read

April 08, 2021 | Legaltech News

Balancing Privacy, Quality and Unbiased Data Is Difficult, but Not Impossible

Data collection is already increasingly challenging because of emerging privacy laws. But a recent International Association of Privacy Professionals panel also noted that younger generations' privacy preferences may add even more additional hurdles.

By Victoria Hudgins

3 minute read

April 07, 2021 | Legaltech News

Confidentiality Requests in Data Breach Notifications Make a Bad Situation Worse

After clothing retailer FatFace suffered a ransomware attack earlier this year, it included an unusual confidentiality request in its data breach notification. Lawyers say such a move could only exacerbate its regulatory and reputational challenges.

By Victoria Hudgins

3 minute read

April 06, 2021 | Legaltech News

ContractPodAi Expands Beyond CLM With 'Unified' Legal Processes, Document Management Platform

For ContractPodAi, legal departments' broad needs made the client base ripe for an all-in-one legal management platform.

By Victoria Hudgins

3 minute read