Walter J Andrews

Walter J Andrews

August 14, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Clock Ticks for Irma Insurance Claims: Don't Leave Money on the Table

With the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Irma fast approaching on Sept. 10, policyholders who are still involved in insurance disputes may soon be forced to decide whether to file suit.

By Walter J. Andrews and Cary D. Steklof

6 minute read

August 08, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Is Insurance a Safety Net for Phishing or Whaling Attacks?

Just when one thought it was safe to go back into the water companies are being victimized by sophisticated and pervasive social engineering fraud attacks.

By Walter J. Andrews

4 minute read

March 06, 2018 | FC&S Insurance

#MeToo—Sexual Harassment and Insurance. Is Your Business Covered?

As more and more sexual harassment and sexual assault claims come to light in all realms, including Hollywood, the judiciary and Congress, it is important…

By Walter J. Andrews and Katherine Miller

4 minute read

February 28, 2018 | Daily Business Review

#MeToo—Sexual Harassment and Insurance. Is Your Business Covered?

As more and more sexual harassment and sexual assault claims come to light in all realms, including Hollywood, the judiciary and Congress, it is important to ensure that your business is prepared to manage any such allegations with adequate insurance coverage.

By Walter J. Andrews and Katherine Miller

4 minute read

January 18, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Your Liability Insurer May Be Obligated to Provide a Defense in the Chapter 558 Process

In December, the Florida Supreme Court held that a Chapter 558 notice of construction defect constitutes a “suit” under a commercial general liability (CGL) insurance policy so as to potentially trigger the insurer's duty to defend the contractor in the proceedings. The case is captioned Altman Contractors v. Crum and Forster Specialty Insurance, No. SC16-1420 (Fla. Dec. 14, 2017).

By Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField

5 minute read

January 04, 2018 | FC&S Insurance

When Is a Business Entitled to Insurance Coverage for Additional Lost Profits?

The stoplights have been repaired and the debris has been cleared, but many local businesses are still feeling the effects of Hurricane Irma, especially…

By Walter J. Andrews and Katherine Miller

5 minute read

October 11, 2017 | Daily Business Review

In the Race to Win the Autonomous Vehicle Market, Covering Risk Is Key

The autonomous vehicle industry is pressing forward, full speed ahead. The conveniences and efficiencies created by shifting to self-driving vehicles are expected to drive vast economic growth and generate widespread consumer demand.

By Walter J. Andrews and Paul T. Moura

8 minute read

September 12, 2017 | Daily Business Review

The First 60 Days Post-Irma Are Critical to Your Insurance Recovery

Now, after Hurricane Irma, the cleanup—and the insurance claims process—begins. The first 30 to 60 days post-storm are critical in ensuring coverage for your property damage and business interruption losses after the storm. Below, we first provide a checklist to guide both commercial and individual insureds in the first few weeks after the storm. Then, we address the key commercial coverages that business insureds may have to help them recover from lost business income post-storm, write Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField

14 minute read

September 06, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Harvey Reminds South Florida to Review Insurance Coverage Before Irma

With damage and lost income estimates running into the billions, Hurricane Harvey serves as a staunch reminder for South Florida individual and commercial policyholders. Insureds should review their insurance policies now to determine whether they have adequate insurance coverage in place in preparation for Hurricane Irma—a storm the National Hurricane Center calls a "potentially catastrophic Category 5 hurricane," write Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Andrea DeField

5 minute read

August 02, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Ransomware Attacks Highlight Need for Cyberinsurance Coverage

A ransomware attack, like the Petya and WannaCry attacks, disables the user's computer system and all its data. A note in a text file then appears stating that in order to unlock the computer and access its data, a ransom must be paid, typically in the form of Bitcoin. The hackers threaten to delete all data on the computer system if payment is not sent, write Walter J. Andrews and Katherine E. Miller.

By Commentary by Walter J. Andrews and Katherine E. Miller

4 minute read