Will Sylianteng

Will Sylianteng

November 19, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer

Litigation in a Divided America: Politics Matters

Recent political events and actors have introduced a dangerous new trend: the "fact deniers." There have always been fact deniers and conspiracy theory subscribers in our country (and on our juries), but until recently they were relegated to niche chatrooms and not given any true credence by authority figures.

By Will Sylianteng

7 minute read

May 21, 2020 | The Legal Intelligencer

How Will the Litigation Practice Change After the Pandemic?

The legal world, which is by nature and invention is slow to change and adapt, has been rocked by the closure of courts and the inability to be in the same room with people you have not already committed to quarantining with.

By Will Sylianteng

7 minute read

November 21, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Private or Shared Mediation Statements: A Tale of Two Mediations

I recently participated in two mediations, one as plaintiffs counsel and one as defense counsel, while they both successfully brought to a close the underlying cases, the parties to each had a different approach to the submission of mediation statements.

By Will Sylianteng

10 minute read

September 12, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Race/Ethnicity of the Lawyer at Trial: Tips for Overcoming Bias

Anyone who has practiced the law in jurisdictions other than the one they grew up in, realizes that the practice of the law, and the world in general, is full of color and that people come in all sorts of shapes, races, ethnicities and genders.

By Will Sylianteng

8 minute read

May 30, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Seller? Who Me? Not Me: Courts Tackle the Amazon Dilemma

Since Torts 101, we learned the general products liability rule that everyone in the “chain of distribution,” which can include the designer, manufacturer, retailer, wholesaler, suppliers and distributors, could potentially be held liable for a defective product.

By Will Sylianteng

9 minute read

November 21, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

Discovery on Discovery and the Proportionality of Discovery Issue

In Alley v. MTD Products, (WD.Pa. 2018, Case No. 3:17-cv-3), Judge Kim Gibson of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania highlighted and discussed two often overlooked and under-appreciated aspects of discovery: the extent that one can undergo an inquiry that involves “discovery on discovery”; and proportionality as a limit on discovery.

By Will Sylianteng

7 minute read

May 24, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

Litigating a Ride-Sharing Accident Case: Keeping Up-to-Date Is Key

I can remember the first time I heard the word Uber in the context of the transportation. It was only two years ago and I remember being perplexed once I received an explanation as to what an Uber was.

By Will Sylianteng

8 minute read

September 28, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

A Lesson in Making Sure Privileges Are Not Taken for Granted

In most cases, trial attorneys are so focused on trial theme and the development of evidence that issues of attorney-client privilege and work product protections fall to the wayside. For most attorneys, the concept is simple and can be boiled down to this: any communication between counsel and her client, and anything prepared by an attorney in furtherance of his case is protected from discovery.

By Will Sylianteng

7 minute read

June 15, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Electronic Service of Process: Are You Ready for It?

The legal profession is not known for being ahead of the curve when it comes to utilizing new technology. In fact, the profession is more known to gravitate toward tradition over innovation. However, sometimes new technological/cultural norms force themselves upon the profession, and the courts are forced to deal with the issues. One of the issues courts are facing more and more is the issue of service of process via email or social media.

By Will Sylianteng

7 minute read

January 11, 2017 | FC&S Insurance

Autonomous Cars: Boom or Bust for Attorneys?

A few weeks ago, I was having coffee with a friend who is a highly regarded insurance defense attorney in Center City Philadelphia. We were discussing…

By Will Sylianteng

8 minute read