William W Bedsworth

William W Bedsworth

February 07, 2022 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Baseball, Camels, and T. S. Eliot

Justice William Bedsworth got the best advice he ever received about being a judge from a former minor league umpire.

By William W. Bedsworth

8 minute read

January 10, 2022 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Jobseeking Keeps My Ego in Check

Justice William W. Bedsworth gets "help with ego-suppression from some people who are apparently considering not my job title but my actual capabilities. LinkedIn."

By William W. Bedsworth

8 minute read

January 04, 2022 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: A Fellow of Infinite Jest

"Kenny Williams, my favorite court jester, died at 91. I lament his early death," said Justice William W. Bedsworth.

By William W. Bedsworth

9 minute read

November 17, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Just Another Roadside Attraction

"Try to picture this. Thomas Waddell, human aviary, was apprehended by the Baltimore police as he ambled down the highway trying to control the purloined pigeon flock in his cartoonishly bulging slacks. One officer said he looked 'like the Michelin tire ad.'"

By William W. Bedsworth

6 minute read

September 27, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Naming Rights … and Wrongs

"And my 24 years on this bench have enlightened me to one of the least attractive aspects of our citizenry: familial greed. So help me, trusts and estates cases have often reduced me to wondering if there's a way to resign from my species and re-classify as a golden retriever or a woodchuck."

By William W. Bedsworth

9 minute read

September 20, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: A 21st Century Allegory

"The hardest part of burro racing is keeping the animal motivated." Does that or does it not, sum up your relationship with the bench?

By William W. Bedsworth

8 minute read

April 09, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Mining with Chickens

Schadenfreude has its place, and after the cat crawled onto your shoulder while you were lecturing a national zoom webinar, you could use a story about someone else's dignity taking a hit.

By William W. Bedsworth

9 minute read

March 11, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: Still Another Modest Proposal

I really felt that "trial by wombat" was an idea whose time had come. I figured if we let a groundhog decide how much winter we would get every year, why not let 12 "burrowing herbivorous marsupials" decide guilt or innocence?

By William W. Bedsworth

8 minute read

February 12, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: My Job

"I tell people, 'I've got the best job in the system. And I don't mean the legal system, I mean the solar system.' But, like me, it's an acquired taste," says Justice William Bedsworth.

By William W. Bedsworth

10 minute read

January 15, 2021 | The Recorder

Bedsworth: How Many Judges Does It Take to Change a Light Bulb?

"I'm worried about you. COVID-19 has locked us down for 10 months. I fear we may have reached the limit of our ability to fill time by extending our hobbies" says Justice William Bedsworth. "By now, your model train set has exceeded the number of cars owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt, and your spouse—harshly comparing its expansion to that of slime mold—has absolutely refused to allow it to expand into the guest bedroom."

By William W. Bedsworth

9 minute read