Legal Ethics: Drawing the Line Between Witness Preparation and Unethical Witness Coaching
When does ethical witness preparation cross over into unethical witness coaching? The ABA Ethics Committee recently issued Formal Opinion No. 508 that attempts to draw this line with special attention to the unique issues that case arise in remote proceedings. Having spent more than twenty-five years as a law firm and in-house litigator, Zach McGee distills the ABA’s guidance into actionable advice on how best to navigate both traditional and new settings where deposition and trial testimony are being taken. This program also reviews the many benefits of using a deposition prep video with witnesses to help prepare them to testify.
Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 & 8.4.
New Media Legal
1 - Voluntary