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Build a Customized California CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The California Mini Bundle contains fourteen (14) MCLE credits and allows you to select the courses you want to take from the California course catalog. With this bundle you can select up to sixteen (16) of the twenty-five (25) MCLE hours required by the California State Bar for your MCLE compliance including four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elimination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues. All of our programs are participatory for California. 

Bundle Update: Starting January 1, 2022, California attorneys will be required to complete two (2) hours of Elimination of Bias CLE. The total credits required remains the same.

The State Bar of California allows attorneys to take all twenty-five (25) required MCLE hours online, including the four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elmination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


759 Courses
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120 minutes
Hack My MBA for Lawyers: Financial Statement Red Flags
In this program in the series, Zach McGee teaches the basics of financial statement analysis that will help you answer important questions such as: Is this company doing well or poorly? Is it overvalued or undervalued relative to the price set by the market?, etc. - to help you better understand and communicate with your MBA-trained or other finance-type clients.

New Media Legal

2 - General Participatory

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59 minutes
Data-Driven Lawyering: Maturing Best Practices to Combine Firm and Public Data
Law firms on the cutting edge of combining internal law firm data with public datasets will describe their use cases and share their secrets for improving substantive work-product and developing new business. We’ll discuss how firms have married state and federal litigation dockets, patent and trademark prosecution dockets, new lawsuit feeds, and public and private data on deals (e.g., M&A) — all to build workflows for: (1) analytics and research (2) better RFPs, (3) experience databases, and (4) user-driven development.


1 - General Participatory

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60 minutes
Snap Out of It! Overcoming the Data Theft Blues & Finding Industry Leading Practices to Help Reduce the Impact
As organizations generate and store increasing volumes of personal and sensitive data they are becoming an ever greater target for cybercriminals wanting to extort data for financial gain. The risk of getting it wrong has never been so high. Listen to our panel of experts discuss the threat & regulatory landscape, considerations in breach response, and the opportunity to go from head-ache to head-start.


1 - General Participatory

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62 minutes
What’s in Your Data? You Can’t Govern What You Don’t See
In this session, we will discuss the importance of data growth and how data flows within organizations and what you can do to build good governance while protecting critical and valuable assets.


1 - General Participatory

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120 minutes
Hack My MBA for Lawyers: Decision Analysis 2023
Have you ever thought about getting an MBA? Save your time and money! In this series of programs, “Hack my MBA for Lawyers,” practicing lawyers who hold MBA’s take key concepts from the MBA curriculum that have real value for practicing lawyers, teach them to you in an engaging way and show how to apply them in your practice using real-world hypotheticals.

New Media Legal

2 - General Participatory

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60 minutes
Tales from the eDiscovery Trenches, Litigation, Investigations & Cyber Oh MY!
How are leading eDiscovery professionals deploying legal technology and AI-powered eDiscovery software solutions in novel ways in 2023 from litigation to investigations, compliance to cyber? Hear from practitioners deep in the thick of the most cutting-edge eDiscovery challenges about how they leverage AI.


1 - General Participatory

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58 minutes
Follow the Money: Use Outcome-Oriented Analytics to Keep Clients Happy & Win Cases
In order to build winning and lucrative litigation strategies with outcome-oriented analytics, attorneys need access to superior research solutions and accurate data. In this session, thought leaders will examine new developments and trends in legal analytics and how to find the information litigators need most—the money trail, case resolutions, and trustworthy data.


1 - General Participatory

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59 minutes
Class Actions Double Play: Avoiding Class Actions and Limiting Exposure with Effective Waivers
More than 5,000 class action lawsuits are filed each year in the state and federal courts in the United States, which means that thousands of lawyers just like you will face the unhappy task of dealing with a class action. Thankfully, there are steps we can take as lawyers to make sure our companies are not easy targets, and to deal effectively and efficiently with a class action lawsuit if and when one is filed. Is arbitration right for your company in agreements with its customers and employees? If it is, how do you craft an enforceable arbitration clause that includes a waiver of the right to assert claims on behalf of a class? This program tells you what you need to know -- and factors you must consider -- when thinking about including arbitration and class action waivers in your contracts.

New Media Legal

1 - General Participatory