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Build a Customized California CLE Compliance Mini Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The California Mini Bundle contains fourteen (14) MCLE credits and allows you to select the courses you want to take from the California course catalog. With this bundle you can select up to sixteen (16) of the twenty-five (25) MCLE hours required by the California State Bar for your MCLE compliance including four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elimination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues. All of our programs are participatory for California. 

Bundle Update: Starting January 1, 2022, California attorneys will be required to complete two (2) hours of Elimination of Bias CLE. The total credits required remains the same.

The State Bar of California allows attorneys to take all twenty-five (25) required MCLE hours online, including the four (4) hours in Ethics, two (2) hours in Elmination of Bias, and one (1) hour in Competence Issues.

After purchase, you can add programs to your bundle to begin receiving credit. You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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838 Courses
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60 minutes
Siri and Alexa Are Out to Get You
Stuart Teicher, Esq., doesn’t call them “virtual assistants”,  he calls them “virtual career killers.” That’s because the use of these devices are fraught with serious ethics issues. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explores the never-ending problems with virtual assistants and related technologies. Rule 1.1 and Rule 1.6 discussed.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
What the Mississippi Delta Teaches About Bias in the Legal Profession
The area between the Mississippi and Yazoo Rivers is unlike any other place on earth. The history of the place is unique and so are the politics. In this one-of-a-kind program, Stuart Teicher, Esq. (the CLE Performer) traveled to the Delta and recorded a program about diversity and bias.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Implicit Bias

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60 minutes
The Danger of Digital Signatures (and Other Issues in Tech)
E-signatures have become a part of the practice, but there are ethical concerns with that. Join the CLE Performer Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he talks about digital signatures and a few other new ethics issues with technology.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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60 minutes
8 Reasons Movie-Lawyers Would be Disciplined
Attorneys in film are constantly violating the ethics rules. Of course, the public probably doesn’t realize it, but us lawyers need to make sure that we don’t repeat these sometimes ridiculous gaffes. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, Esq., as he explains the sometimes obvious and sometimes subtle ethics violations committed by lawyers in movies and on TV.

Stuart Teicher

1 - Ethics

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59 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: Intellectual Property - Counseling the NFT Client: A Practical Guide to Legal and Business Issues
The NFT marketplace has exploded as commercial entities and consumers alike see NFTs as marketing tools, investment strategies, and business drivers. In this Studio Briefing, we will look at a hypothetical NFT startup and its business model. Our panel will issue-spot legal and business issues to help guide lawyers counseling NFT clients on operational, third-party stakeholder, and regulatory concerns.

Law Journal Newsletters

1 - General Participatory

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60 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: Bankruptcy - Bankruptcy Reorganization Ethics and Fees
General corporate counsel, counsel for debtors, creditors, shareholders and other participants in the reorganization process need to grasp the ethical restraints on professionals imposed by the Bankruptcy Code, Bankruptcy Rules, the ABA Code of Professional Conduct and relevant case law. This program uses recent case law to show how all of these rules work. Because the reorganization process is filled with ethical landmines, no lawyer can represent a client effectively without the help of this experience-based guide.

Law Journal Newsletters

1 - Ethics

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57 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: Business Crimes - Climate Change Risk: The New SEC Disclosure Rules
Given the massive amount of dollars being poured into ESG funds and the SEC’s renewed focus on both the funds and the companies in the funds, there is no time like the present for companies to engage in an assessment of their climate risks and how these risks and the status of the companies’ ESG goals are being relayed to investors.

Law Journal Newsletters

1 - General Participatory

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59 minutes
LJN Webinar Series: Cybersecurity - Anatomy of a Supply Chain Cyberattack
Details the anatomy of a supply chain cyberattack, explores the existing state of supply chain protective contractual terms, and proposes actionable steps with a collective approach to guide legal professionals through their precarious endeavors.

Law Journal Newsletters

1 - General Participatory