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Build a Customized Kansas 12-Credit CLE CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Kansas Bundle includes twelve (12) credit hours and allows you to select the courses that includes two (2) required hours in Ethics/Professionalism. 

The Kansas Bar Association allows attorneys to take six (6) of twelve (12) CLE hours online.

Rule Change for 2020-2021 AND 2021-2022 Compliance Periods: The Kansas Supreme Court issued an order waiving the credit hour limit on pre-recorded programming for the 2020-2021 AND the 2021-2020 compliance period. Kansas attorneys can complete all 12 CLE credit hours through online, on-demand, and/or pre-recorded programming on

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


21 Courses
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68 minutes
Professional Burnout Among Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys into the alarmingly and increasingly common phenomenon of professional burnout. Participants will learn what burnout is, how it impacts attorneys in and out of the office, how to spot it, how to be more proactive in the avoidance of it, and how to begin to address it if one is in the midst of it.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Ethics/Professionalism

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71 minutes
Self-Care and Work-Life Balance for Lawyers
In this 1-hour course, psychologist, attorney, author, and television personality Dr. Brian Russell provides actionable insights for attorneys who aspire to take better care of themselves and experience greater satisfaction with both their professional and personal lives. Participants will learn skills aimed at helping them to reduce professional burnout risk, to be more sustainably productive, and to live and work more mindfully and meaningfully.

Dr. Brian Russell

1 - Ethics/Professionalism

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66 minutes
You're Hired: Now What?
Veteran litigators Andrew Struve and Susan Page White walk step-by-step through the key actions and decisions every litigator must take at the outset of a matter to ensure a smooth start and that nothing is missed. Overlooking even one of these critical steps could lead to at best an unhappy client, and at worst to claims of legal malpractice. The speakers also share an easy-to-follow checklist that all litigators – from the most junior to the more experienced – will find highly valuable to use for every matter that comes in the door.

New Media Legal

1 - General

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120 minutes
Legal Ethics: Understanding and Managing Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Legal Practice Risks
In the latest installment of this popular series, Zach McGee discusses Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and how this technology – particularly Generative AI that can generate content in the form of text, images, video, audio, etc. in response to prompts from a user – is poised to change how knowledge workers, including lawyers, do our jobs. But before you consider using ChatGPT or other Generative AI tools to assist in your law practice, you need to make sure you understand exactly how these tools work, what they can do and what they can’t, how reliable they are or aren’t, and most importantly, what legal ethics issues can arise. This program gives you the knowledge you need to perform that exercise for yourself as Generative AI tools continue to evolve.

New Media Legal

2 - Ethics/Professionalism

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68 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Sex, Videotapes, and Lies
In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi takes a fun look at what the Constitution – as well as the criminal and tort law – have to say about sex, including those who choose to record it or lie about it. This program includes an overview of laws regulating sexual behavior (e.g., adultery, incest, obscenity), voyeurism (e.g., pornography, revenge porn, peeping Tom laws) and lying about sex (e.g., right to lie, perjury).

New Media Legal

1 - General

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