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Build a Customized Pennsylvania 6-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Pennsylvania 6 Credit Bundle incudes six (6) CLE credit hours and allows you to select the courses you want from the PA course catalog including the two (2) hours required in Ethics.

The Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board allows attorneys to take six (6) CLE hours online.

We will report all CLE credits earned on to the PA CLE Board. Please update your MCLE Profile to include your PA bar number.

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

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760 Courses
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60 minutes
ABI’s Commission on Consumer Bankruptcy vs. the Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act
This panel will compare Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s bill with the ABI Consumer Commission’s Final Report, released in 2019, and will address consumer bankruptcy legislation that could be introduced this spring.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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58 minutes
Industry Spotlight: Dealing with the Insolvent or Near-Insolvent Hotel Debtor — Debtor and Creditor Perspectives, Actions and Opportunities
The hotel and hospitality industry has been massacred by the pandemic. How can the Bankruptcy Code, chapter 11 and subchapter V help the industry restructure and survive? This panel will provide analysis and perspective.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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58 minutes
Current Liability Management Issues
This panel will discuss out-of-court loan-priming issues such as Serta and Transocean, among others.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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59 minutes
Cautionary Tales in Asset Sales
This panel will discuss the most cautionary of tales in the asset sales realm, most notably Neiman Marcus (collusion), and regulatory and ownership issues that arise in asset sales that can lead to litigation.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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58 minutes
ABC Panel: Ethical Pitfalls in Technology, Fee Applications and Practicing in Court
This panel of ABC-certified judges will discuss the applicable rules of professional conduct and other authority implicated in electronic filing, the use of email, “phishing” scams and hacking, and technology issues raised by today’s pandemic practice.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Ethics

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63 minutes
Indentured Trusts in the Bankruptcy Process
This panel of legal experts and indenture trustees will discuss current insolvency-related corporate trust issues, including pre- and post-default rights, standing to pursue litigation claims, disparate treatment among bondholders and other creditors of equal priority, conflicts between majority and minority bondholders, and settlement mechanics inside and outside of bankruptcy.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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56 minutes
Cutting-Edge Commercial Law/Regulatory Issues in Health Care Insolvencies
This panel will address issues that have recently arisen at the intersection of health care and commercial/regulatory law, including regulation and ownership of cloud-based/electronic records, state regulation of nonprofit debtors, and recent developments in Medicare/Medicaid recoupment rights.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive

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82 minutes
Bankruptcy: Crossfire
This panel is in the format of the classic current-events TV program “Crossfire” and will address “hot” and “interesting” bankruptcy issues that are not being addressed in the other sessions. Each topic discussed will have parties taking opposing positions (pro/con).

American Bankruptcy Institute

1 - Substantive