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Build a Customized Vermont CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

The Vermont Bundle contains six (6) CLE hours and allows you to select the courses you take from the Vermont course catalog including two (2) hours in Ethics.

The State Bar of the Supreme Court of Vermont allows attorneys to take twenty-four (24) CLE hours online via self-study (unmoderated) programming including two (2) hours in Ethics, one (1) hour in Diversity and Inclusion, and one (1) hour in Attorney Wellness. 

You have one full year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

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Buy the bundle and earn credits for following courses!


823 Courses
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67 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Crazy, Weird Laws on the Books
In the next installment of this popular series, Peter Afrasiabi highlights some crazy, weird criminal, family, tort and regulatory laws that you can’t believe are still on the books.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study

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64 minutes
Fair Use: From Star Trek to Prince... And You Get to Vote on U2
How well do you know the requirements for use of a work to qualify as “fair use” under copyright law? Experienced intellectual property litigator Peter Afrasiabi explains the rules in clear terms – for copyright aficionados and novices alike – while engaging in a lively discussion of key cases.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study

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64 minutes
Show Trials: The Immigration Court System & Potential Reform
This course explores and analyzes the immigration court system; what happens in it and how it is very different from other courts. Peter Afrasiabi reviews real world examples of how people have been deported in absentia for missed hearings and other horror stories.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study

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60 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: Legal Lessons From the Remarkable James Bond Litigation History
Join us to examine the convoluted litigation history that underlies this immensely popular, global motion picture franchise. Peter chronicles the key legal disputes that plagued the franchise for much of its storied history, and discusses the interesting and complex legal issues those disputes raised.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study

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71 minutes
Ethics & Pro Bono Lawyering: Inside the Immigration System
This program includes a discussion of the ethics involved in disqualification motions and the standards by which motions can and should be brought, and should not be brought, along with the governing patchwork regimes of ethics standards to regulate attorney conduct that apply.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study Ethics

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62 minutes
The Curious Lawyer: The Perfect Crime?
Is there a part of Yellowstone National Park where no one may be charged with any crime? Peter Afrasiabi traces the history of Yellowstone and examines relevant provisions of the U.S. Constitution and federal law to provide an answer to this fascinating legal question.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study

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60 minutes
Stuart Travels to Alabama to Teach about Diversity and Inclusion
Two landmark civil rights events occurred in Alabama — the Scottsboro Boys case and the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Both of those events have important lessons to teach lawyers about diversity and inclusion in the practice of law. Join the CLE Performer, Stuart Teicher, as he travels to Alabama and delivers a travel-vlog style program

Stuart Teicher

1 - Self-Study Diversity and Inclusion

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59 minutes
Legal Ethics: Drawing the Line Between Witness Preparation and Unethical Witness Coaching
When does ethical witness preparation cross over into unethical witness coaching? The ABA Ethics Committee recently issued Formal Opinion No. 508 that attempts to draw this line with special attention to the unique issues that case arise in remote proceedings. Having spent more than twenty-five years as a law firm and in-house litigator, Zach McGee distills the ABA’s guidance into actionable advice on how best to navigate both traditional and new settings where deposition and trial testimony are being taken. This program also reviews the many benefits of using a deposition prep video with witnesses to help prepare them to testify.

Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4 & 8.4.

New Media Legal

1 - Self-Study Ethics