Stand Up CLE: The Magical World of Cybersecurity Ethics
We all know that CLE programs are boring and a chore to watch. But we’re breaking the rules – a CLE program that’s intentionally funny and (gasp) entertaining, yet somehow still informative. In this unique installment of this popular series, Mark Wooster is joined by Magician, Anthropologist, Cybersecurity Expert and Keynote Speaker Paul Draper. Drawing upon decades of experience working in cybersecurity consulting for Fortune 100 companies, Paul teaches you what you need to know about cybersecurity, privacy and data protection, all the while keeping you entertained with some awesome magic tricks. Mark connects the “what you need to know” with the “what you need to do” in order to fulfill your legal ethics obligations in the context of discussing some challenging hypotheticals arising from the use of technology in your law practice. Reserve your seat today and we’ll waive the two-drink minimum!
Rules covered include: ABA Model Rules 1.1 & 1.6; New York Rules of Professional Conduct 1.1 & 1.6; California State Bar Standing Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct, Formal Opinion No. 2020-203; New York State Bar Association, Committee on Professional Ethics, Formal Opinion 1240.
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