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Build a Customized West Virginia 12-Credit CLE Compliance Bundle

Individually select approved CLE courses from our centralized online library no matter where you practice.

Complete 12 hours of West Virginia MCLE, online, on time, and on your schedule with the West Virginia Bundle at

With the West Virginia 12-Credit Build Your Bundle, you can select twelve (12) of the twenty-four (24) required CLE credit hours required by the West Virginia MCLE Commission, including three (3) in ethics.

You'll have one full year from the date of your purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

CLE Center is an approved and accredited provider of CLE for the State of West Virginia, by the West Virginia MCLE Commissi

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830 Courses
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62 minutes
Beyond TAR 2.0: Exploring the Current State of TAR
Technology-assisted review has come a long way since its early introduction as predictive coding. While each version has its merits and place, it is important to understand that in order to select the right approach for your discovery needs, one must truly understand the underlying process and variables such as time and cost. However, has the time come for TAR 3.0 and what does that look like for discovery professionals?


1.24 - General

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72 minutes
Crossover Ethics Topic: Strategies and Risks of Bankruptcy as a Response to State Court Litigation
This session addresses when a bankruptcy court will accept jurisdiction and control of pending state court litigation upon the filing of a bankruptcy case by an involved party. Topics include removal, abstention, stay relief and remand, as well as the strategies and risks of filing bankruptcy in hopes of having a state court action removed to bankruptcy court.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1.44 - Ethics

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76 minutes
Intersection of Divorce and Bankruptcy
This panel explores the interplay between state court divorce law and bankruptcy. We focus on many of the misconceptions that arise when those two unrelated areas of the law intersect or overlap.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1.52 - General

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74 minutes
COVID-19: Infecting Employment Issues in Bankruptcy
This panel will discuss the WARN Act, KERPs and KEIPs, vacation/sick time and the ??507(a)(4) cap, varying state laws on severance claims that are driving the locations of filings, and more.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1.48 - General

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71 minutes
Chapter 11 Cases in the Headlines
This panel will discuss notable Chapter 11 cases and legislation from the past year for an overall refresher and update on chapter 11 basics and trends.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1.42 - General

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75 minutes
Complex Confirmation Issues
This panel will focus on impairment, TransWest issues, third-party releases, horizontal gifting related to Noverra and more.

American Bankruptcy Institute

1.5 - General

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60 minutes
No More Eyes Wide Shut: Ethical Times Have Changed
Lawyers used to be able to get away with playing dumb. We could conveniently ignore the misdeeds of our clients…we could keep our eyes shut. Not any more. The ABA recently issued Opinion 491 which creates a responsibility to ask questions about our client’s bad deeds…and every lawyer needs to understand. (Rules 1.6, and 1.2 also covered)

Stuart Teicher

1.2 - Ethics

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60 minutes
What My Facebook Posts Teach about Lawyer Mental Health
Stuart Teicher, Esq., posts some funny stuff while on the road as a CLE teacher. Like most of society he documents his life on FaceBook. But the difference is that most of his posts actually teach some important mental health lessons for lawyers. Join him as he discusses how lawyers are affected by anxiety, compassion fatigue, over-functioning, and more.

Stuart Teicher

1.2 - Ethics